Research on Ethical Culture Education in Traditional Chinese Medicine Colleges and Universities: A Case Study of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University
中文关键词: 中医药院校  廉洁文化  扶正祛邪  辨证论治  治未病  望闻问切  中医药人才培养
英文关键词: traditional Chinese medicine colleges and universities  ethical culture  strengthening the body resistance and eliminating the evil  differential diagnosis and treatment  preventive treatment of diseases  observation, listening, questioning and pulse feeling  training traditional Chinese medicine talents
马镇杰 浙江中医药大学 杭州 310053 
朱建良 浙江中医药大学 杭州 310053 
摘要点击次数: 381
全文下载次数: 327
      [目的] 探索中医药院校廉洁文化教育新路径,从中医药文化中提取廉洁元素,专注打造中医药院校的廉洁教育方案。[方法] 通过文献研究法,提炼中医药文化与廉洁文化的相通性,运用“四诊合参”“辨证论治”“良药金方”“标本兼治”等中医理念,构建中医药院校廉洁文化教育研究框架。[结果] 中医药文化蕴含丰富的廉洁文化精神内涵和方法论,两者具有高度契合性。中医药院校廉洁文化教育存在的“四诊合参”缺位、“辨证论治”乏力、“良药金方”少有、“标本兼治”不牢等问题,要通过摸清廉洁思想教育实际、完善廉洁文化教育制度、巧妙开展廉洁文化教育、筑牢廉洁文化教育防线等举措,进一步提升中医药院校廉洁文化教育成果。[结论] 通过对浙江中医药大学廉洁文化教育的个案研究,摸清廉洁思想教育实际,完善廉洁文化教育制度,巧妙开展廉洁文化教育,筑牢廉洁文化教育防线,为高校开展廉洁文化教育提供示范。
      [Objective] To explore innovative approaches for integrating ethical culture education in traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) colleges and universities, which involves extracting elements of integrity from TCM culture to develop an ethical education program tailored for these institutions. [Methods] Applying literature research methods, this study extracts similarities between TCM culture and ethical culture. It utilizes key TCM concepts like “four diagnoses integration” “differential diagnosis and treatment” “good prescription” “treating both the symptoms and root causes” as a framework for ethical culture education in TCM colleges and universities. [Results] TCM culture is found to contain a wealth of ethical and methodological content, showing high compatibility with ethical culture. Ethical culture education in TCM colleges and universities currently faces challenges, including a lack of comprehensive integration of the “four diagnoses”, insufficient “differential diagnosis and treatment”, limited use of “good prescriptions” and a weak foundation in “treating both the symptoms and root causes”. It is necessary to further improve the achievements of clean culture education in TCM colleges and universities by using measures such as finding out the reality of clean ideology education, improving the clean culture education system, skillfully carrying out clean culture education, and building a solid line of clean culture education. [Conclusion] Through case study of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University provides insights into the current state of ethical education. It emphasizes the need to improve the ethical culture education system, execute ethical culture education strategically and strengthen the ethical education defense line. These findings could serve as a model for ethical culture education in universities.
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