Application of Clearing Heat of Yingfen to Qifen Method in Treating Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
中文关键词: 系统性红斑狼疮  透热转气  温病  病因病机  临床应用  医案
英文关键词: systemic lupus erythematosus  clearing heat of Yingfen to Qifen  febrile disease  etiology and pathogenesis  clinical application  consilias
陈雷鸣 浙江中医药大学 杭州 310053  
朱正阳 浙江中医药大学 杭州 310053  
包洁 浙江中医药大学 杭州 310053 546947746@qq.com 
范永升 浙江中医药大学 杭州 310053  
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      [目的]探讨透热转气法治疗系统性红斑狼疮(systemic lupus erythematosus,SLE)的理论依据及临床应用。[方法]通过分析透热转气法的理论内涵,结合SLE的病因病机和发病特点,阐述透热转气法治疗SLE的理论依据和临证应用,并举典型医案佐证。[结果]透热转气法是指通过宣畅气机,使入营之邪透出气分而解的方法,是温病学的重要治法。SLE的病因病机以肾精亏虚、温毒侵袭及瘀血内阻为主,其发病特点与温病有相似之处,根据SLE患者病情活动期和缓解期的特点可灵活运用透热转气法。所举案例一辨证属热伏血分、气阴耗伤,治以清热凉血、养阴透邪;案例二辨证属营分有热、肾精亏虚,治以清营透热、益肾固精,方中均配伍轻清透邪药以条畅气机、清透邪热,取得良好的疗效。[结论]运用透热转气法治疗SLE发挥了中医药治疗SLE的优势,符合临床实际,对于指导临床应用具有重要的意义。
      [Objective]To explore the theoretical basis and clinical application of clearing heat of Yingfen to Qifen method in treating systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE).[Methods]By analyzing the theoretical connotation of the clearing heat of Yingfen to Qifen method combined with the etiology and pathogenesis of SLE, the theoretical basis and clinical application of clearing heat of Yingfen to Qifen method in treating SLE was explained, and two cases were presented as evidence.[Results] Clearing heat of Yingfen to Qifen method means dredging activity of Qi and transferring the evil from Yingfen to Qifen. It is an important treatment for febrile disease. Deficiency of kidney essence, invasion of warm poison and obstruction of blood stasis are the key factors of the etiology and pathogenesis of SLE, and the pathogenesis of SLE is similar to febrile disease. According to the characteristics of SLE patients' disease active and remission periods, clearing heat of Yingfen to Qifen method can be used flexibly. The patient in case one was differentiated on syndrome as heat in Xuefen, consumption of Qi and Yin, the treatment was to clear heat and cool blood, nourish Yin and dispel evil; the patient in case two was differentiated as on syndrome heat in Yingfen and deficiency of kidney essence, and the treatment was to clear heat of Yingfen, and nourish kidney and secure essence. Both prescriptions were compatible with light and clear pathogenic drugs to regulate Qi activity, clear heat, achieved good clinical results.[Conclusion]Clearing heat of Yingfen to Qifen method plays an important role in the treatment of SLE with traditional Chinese medicine, which is in line with clinical practice and is of great significance for guiding clinical application.
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