Professor DENG Gaopi Treats PCOS from Deficiency, Stagnation, Phlegm and Blood Stasis
中文关键词: 多囊卵巢综合征  虚郁痰瘀  证期结合  医案  邓高丕  名医经验
英文关键词: polycystic ovary syndrome  deficiency, stagnation, phlegm and blood stasis  combination of syndromes and menstrual cycle  medical case  DENG Gaopi  clinical experience of famous doctor
袁烁 广州中医药大学第一附属医院 广州 510405  
曾蕾 广州中医药大学第一附属医院 广州 510405  
邱嫔 广州中医药大学第一附属医院 广州 510405  
邓高丕 广州中医药大学第一附属医院 广州 510405 denggaopi@126.com 
摘要点击次数: 1602
全文下载次数: 1033
      [Objective] To explore the clinical experience of Professor DENG Gaopi in treating polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS). [Methods] Through collecting the cases of PCOS treated by Professor DENG, the thoughts of diagnosis and treatment of Professor DENG were analyzed, the relevant treatment experience and medication characteristics was summarized, and further demonstration was conducted through analysis of typical case. [Results] Professor DENG attaches importance to physiology of uterus, summarizes that deficiency of kidney is the leading factor of the pathogenesis, and the disease is caused by stagnation of Qi and liver, deficiency of spleen and phlegm dampness, stagnation of blood stasis blocked in Chongren and uterus. Accordingly, in clinical practice, emphasis should be laid on tonificating the kidney and soothing the liver, as well as invigorating the spleen and dispersing phlegm, promoting blood cirulation and eliminating stasis. Meanwhile, balancing Yin and Yang and Chongren should be adopted to regulate menstruation. Tonificating the kidney and replenishing essence should be adopted as main methods of treatment, and the mild medicine but not greasy should be chosen. The characteristics of Lingnan is highlighted through soothing the liver and invigorating the spleen, dispersing phlegm and stagnation, promoting blood circulation and eliminating stasis, and stopping medication as soon as it takes effect. The case was differentiated as deficiency of kidney and stasis of blood, and achieved good results after treated with regulating Qi and inducing stagnation, promoting blood circulation and restoring menstruation, tonificating the kidney and soothing the liver, dispersing phlegm and eliminating stasis, combined with cycle therapy of TCM. [Conclusion] Professor DENG Gaopi treats PCOS from deficiency of kidney, stagnation of Qi and liver, phlegm and blood stasis, regulates menstruation according to the law of changes of Yin and Yang, Qi and blood in menstrual cycle. The experience is worthy for reference because of the significant clinical efficacy.
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