Analysis of ZHU Renkang’s Experience in Treating Seborrheic Dermatitis
中文关键词: SD  数据挖掘  名中医  朱仁康  用药经验  古今医案云平台  皮肤病  核心方药
英文关键词: seborrheic dermatitis  data mining  famous TCM doctor  ZHU Renkang  medication experience  Ancient and Modern Consilia Cloud Platform  dermatosis  core prescription
何春燕 北京中医药大学 北京 100102
张晓彤 中国中医科学院广安门医院  
宋坪 中国中医科学院广安门医院 songping@vip.126.com 
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      [目的]基于数据挖掘分析朱仁康老中医治疗脂溢性皮炎(seborrheic dermatitis,SD)的用药经验。[方法]采用中国中医科学院中医药信息研究所研发的“古今医案云平台V1.4”,基于书稿及2019年7月30日前发表的文献,筛选朱老治疗SD的医案,归纳用药频次、核心方药,通过药物性味归经分析、关联规则分析、聚类分析等方法,进行清洗、建库、数据标准化、分析与挖掘。[结果]共筛选出67例医案,共93诊次。朱老常用的中药有生地黄、当归、甘草、赤芍、丹参等,多为寒性、苦味、甘味,归于肝、心经的药物。核心方药组成为生地黄、甘草、当归、赤芍、荆芥、苦参、蝉蜕、黄芩、丹参、地肤子、牡丹皮、蒺藜、滑石、泽泻、白鲜皮,常用药物组合为甘草-生地黄、当归-丹参、赤芍-生地黄。朱老治疗SD常以凉血祛风为法,针对不同证型则分别处以清热凉血、滋阴养血、清热祛湿、祛风止痒等不同治法。[结论]朱老治疗SD以凉血祛风为基础,临证时灵活把握,随机参变。通过数据分析,所得到的核心方药及药对可为临床治疗SD提供参考方案,为传承朱老的学术经验提供更加客观的依据。
      [Objective]To analyze Professor ZHU Renkang’s clinical experience on seborrheic dermatitis(SD) based on data mining.[Methods] Using the “Ancient and Modern Consilia Cloud Platform V1.4” developed by the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,based on the manuscripts and the literature published before July 30, 2019, the selected medical records of ZHU Renkang in the treatment of SD were screened. The frequencies of drug use and core prescriptions were summarized. Through the analysis of drug properties, taste, meridian tropism analysis, association rules analysis, cluster analysis and other methods, cleaning, database building, data standardization, analysis and mining were carried out. [Results]Among the 93 consultations of 67 medical records selected, Professor ZHU’s commonly used herbs in the treatment of SD are Radix Rehmanniae, Angelica sinensis, Glycyrrhiza uralensis, Radix Paeoniae Rubra, Salvia miltiorrhiza and so on.Most of them are cold, bitter and sweet, which are attributed to the liver and heart meridians. The core prescription is composed of Radix Rehmanniae, Glycyrrhiza uralensis, Angelica sinensis, Radix Paeoniae Rubra, Schizonepeta tenuifolia, Sophora flavescens, Periostracum cicadae, Scutellaria baicalensis, Salvia miltiorrhiza, Fructus Rehmanniae, Cortex moutan, Tribulus terrestris, talcum, Alisma Linn. and Cortex dictamni. The commonly used drug combinations are Glycyrrhiza uralensis-Radix Rehmanniae, Angelica sinensis-Salvia miltiorrhiza and Radix Paeoniae Rubra-Radix Rehmanniae. Professor ZHU often treated SD with cooling blood and dispelling wind. According to different syndrome types, methods of clearing heat and cooling blood, nourishing Yin and nourishing blood, clearing heat and removing dampness, dispelling wind and relieving itching were also adopted. [Conclusion]Professor ZHU Renkang treated SD based on cooling blood and dispelling wind. His prescriptions were flexible in clinical treatment and adjusted with the syndrome type. Through data analysis, the core prescriptions and drug pairs obtained can provide a reference scheme for clinical treatment of SD, and provide a more objective basis for inheriting Professor ZHU's academic experience.
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