A Study on the Academic Thoughts of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Zhiyi‘s Tongmeng Zhiguan
中文关键词: 童蒙止观  中医  整体观  四大  五行  智顗  天台宗
英文关键词: Tongmeng Zhiguan  traditional Chinese medicine  holistic concept  (in Buddhism) all the four elements(earth  water  fire and air)  the five elements  Zhiyi  Tiantai Sect
魏春 台州职业技术学院 浙江台州 318000 
张卓文 浙江中医药大学 
董祺然 台州职业技术学院 浙江台州 318000 
摘要点击次数: 1908
全文下载次数: 589
      [目的] 探析智顗所著之《童蒙止观》所蕴含的中医学术思想。[方法] 通过历史文献学方法,分析《童蒙止观》及相关著作的中医学内容,并联系中医经典理论进行解读,采用“述而不作”的方式,对相关书籍中所蕴含的医学思想和方法技巧深入探讨,剖析智顗对中医学的贡献,并综合分析其背后所揭示的思想。[结果] 智顗的中医学术思想蕴含着中医的整体观念、阴阳五行、脏象学说、情志学说、以平为期的治疗理念及诊疗方法。智顗以中医的五脏藏神说来说明五脏病相,这是智顗对中医脏象学说及其诊断技巧的深刻阐发。[结论] 智顗是佛教中国化的集大成者,其著作中所蕴藏的中医思想或养生理念既有对中医学的继承和发展,又有自己独特的见地,值得后人学习和借鉴。
      [Objective] To explore the academic thoughts of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) in Zhiyi‘s Tongmeng Zhiguan. [Methods]Using the research method of historical literature, this paper analyzed the TCM contents of Tongmeng Zhiguan and related works in Tongmeng Zhiguan, interpreted it in connection with the classical theory of TCM, and made an in-depth exploration of its medical ideology and methodological skills, analyzing the contribution of Zhiyi in TCM, and comprehensive analyzing the relevant thoughts revealed behind it. [Results] Zhiyi‘s academic thought of TCM contains the overall concept of TCM, the five elements and Yin and Yang, the theory of viscera, the theory of emotion, the treatment concept and the diagnosis and treatment method for Yin and Yang in equilibrium. Zhiyi also used the theory of five viscera generating five spirits to explain the five viscera disease phase. This is the wise master‘s profound elucidation of TCM’s theory of viscera and its diagnostic techniques. [Conclusion] Zhiyi was the master of sinicization of Buddhism. The thought of TCM or the idea of keeping in good health contained in his works not only inherits and develops the TCM, and has his own unique perspective, which is worthy of learning and referring.
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