Professor WANG Zhe‘s Experience in Treating Postpartum Sweat Syndrome with Shenque Acupoint Application
中文关键词: 产后汗证  神阙穴  贴敷  益气养血  收敛止汗  医案  临床经验  王哲
英文关键词: postpartum sweating syndrome  Shenque acupoint  application  reinforcing Qi and nourishing blood  converging and stopping sweat  medical case  clinical experience  WANG Zhe
郭向红 山东中医药大学中医学院 济南 250014 
高晓艳 山东中医药大学附属医院 
王哲 山东中医药大学附属医院 
摘要点击次数: 1499
全文下载次数: 609
      [目的] 探讨王哲教授应用神阙穴贴敷治疗产后汗证的临证经验,以期为中医外治法治疗产后汗证提供相关经验。[方法] 分析王哲教授对产后汗证的病因病机认识,阐明神阙穴贴敷作用机制、贴敷时间及注意事项等,并列举典型案例加以佐证。[结果] 王哲教授认为产后汗证的病因病机主要为产时耗伤气血,亡血伤津,致气血虚弱,阴血暴脱,虚阳外越,熏蒸汗出。针对其病因病机,采用益气养血、收敛止汗的原则,运用神阙穴贴敷治疗,可较大程度发挥神阙穴固本培元、调整阴阳及药物五倍子、煅牡蛎收敛止汗的功效,有助于产妇整体恢复,临床应用疗效显著。所举验案辨为气血虚弱、营卫失和证,选取益气固表方联合神阙穴贴敷治疗,以固本培元、收敛止汗为治则,使营卫调和,汗出自止。[结论] 王哲教授运用神阙穴贴敷外治法治疗产后汗证,方小精简,经济便捷,疗效突出,其经验值得借鉴。
      [Objective] To explore the clinical experience of Professor WANG Zhe in the treatment of postpartum sweat syndrome with Shenque acupoint application, in order to provide relevant experience for the treatment of postpartum sweat syndrome with external Chinese medicine. [Methods] This paper analyzed Professor WANG Zhe‘s understandings in the etiology and pathogenesis of postpartum sweating syndrome, clarified the mechanism of Shenque acupoint, application time and precautions, and listed the typical case to support it. [Results] Professor WANG Zhe thinks that the etiology and pathogenesis of postpartum sweating syndrome are mainly one depletion of Qi and blood during labor, the loss of blood and the injury of fluid, resulting in the deficiency of Qi and blood, the sudden shedding of Yin and blood, outward dispersion of deficient YANG and the fumigation of sweat. In view of the etiology and pathogenesis, the principle of reinforcing Qi and nourishing blood, converging and stopping sweat should be adopted, and Shenque acupoint should be applied, which can exert the effect of reinforcing the vital essence and enhancing the body resistance, adjusting Yin and Yang and astringent antiperspirant effect of Galla rhois and Concho ostreae, which is conducive to the overall recovery of parturients, and has remarkable clinical effect. In the case, the patient was identified as the syndrome of weakness of Qi and blood and dysfunction between Ying and Wei, Yiqi Gubiao decocton was chosen combined with Shenque acupoint application for treatment, so as to stop sweating according to the treatment principle of reinforcing the vital essence and enhancing the body resistance and converging and stopping sweat. [Conclusion] Professor WANG Zhe treats postpartum sweat syndrome with Shenque acupoint application, the formula is small and concise, economical and convenient, and has outstanding curative effect, the experience is worthy of reference.
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