A Probe into the Theory of Twelve Jingshui in Lingshu
中文关键词: 经水  经脉  灵枢  自然  人体  天人相应  援物比类
英文关键词: Jingshui  meridian  Lingshu  nature  body  correspondence between nature and humans  classification according to manifestation
陈晓薇 浙江中医药大学 杭州 310053 
刘玉良 浙江中医药大学 杭州 310053 
摘要点击次数: 1461
全文下载次数: 639
      [目的] 探讨《灵枢·经水》篇中十二经水理论,深入探究自然环境与人体内部之间的联系,验证古代医学认识人体的科学性。[方法] 基于“经脉十二者,外合于十二经水,而内属于五脏六腑”观点,依据《内经》中“天人相应”思想和“援物比类”方法,结合医家注解及地理县志,考证十二经水所属河流存在的真实性。进一步研究经水与人体营卫气血、脏腑、经络、中药材四个维度之间的内在联系,从而客观且全面地认识十二经水的理论价值。[结果] 经考证发现十二经水在《内经》成书年代都有真实存在的河流,且至今为止大部分河流依然在其流域内发挥灌溉作用,印证了十二经水地理价值的真实性。经水与营卫气血之间的相似性,与人体脏腑之间的关联性,与经络在生理机制之间的相关性,及利用十二经水理论炮制、选用中药材,以上四方面充分说明了经水理论在认识人体、干预疾病治疗等方面具有客观的医理价值。[结论] 十二经水与人体之间具有客观紧密的联系,佐证了古代医学对人体精密复杂的科学认识。
      [Objective] To study the theory of the twelve Jingshui in the chapter Lingshu·Jingshui, deeply explore the connection between the natural environment and the human body, and verify the scientific understanding of the human body in ancient medicine. [Methods] Based on the view of “the twelve meridians are externally combined with the twelve Jingshui, and related to internal organs”, according to the idea of “correspondence between nature and humans” and the method of “classification according to manifestation”, combining medical notes and geographic data, the authenticity of the twelve Jingshui belonging to the twelve meridians was verified. It further studied the inner relationship between the Jingshui and the four dimensions of human body‘s Qi and blood, viscera, meridians, and Chinese medicinal materials, so as to objectively and comprehensively understand the theoretical value of the twelve Jingshui. [Results] It is found through textual research that there were real twelve rivers at the time when the Huangdi Neijing was written, and most of the rivers still played an irrigation role in their basins, confirming the authenticity of the geographic value of the twelve Jingshui. The similarity between Jingshui and Qi and blood, the correlation with the internal organs of the human body, the correlation with the meridian, and the use of the twelve Jingshui theory to concoct and select Chinese medicinal materials, the above four aspects explain Jingshui theory has objective medical value in understanding the human body and intervening in disease treatment. [Conclusion] There is an objective and close connection between the twelve Jingshui and the human body, which proves the sophisticated scientific understanding of the human body in ancient medicine.
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