Analysis of ZHANG Qin‘s Academic Experience in Treating Infertility Related to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
中文关键词: 不孕症  多囊卵巢综合征  排卵障碍  胰岛素抵抗  何氏妇科流派  名医经验  医案
英文关键词: infertility  polycystic ovary syndrome  ovulation disorder  insulin resistance  HE‘s Gynecology Facture  experience of famous doctors  medical cases
陈赟 杭州市中医院 杭州 310007 
章勤 杭州市中医院 杭州 310007 
摘要点击次数: 1494
全文下载次数: 629
      [目的]分析总结章勤教授诊治多囊卵巢综合征(polycystic ovary syndrome,PCOS)相关不孕的特色经验。[方法]通过跟师临诊,收集整理典型病案,对章师从“治肾”入手诊治PCOS相关不孕的特色经验进行分析总结,并列举验案一则予以佐证。[结果]章师认为肾虚是PCOS相关不孕的关键病机,且常与脾虚、痰湿、肝郁、血瘀等多因素合见,最终导致“肾-天癸-冲任-胞宫”生殖轴功能紊乱。章师临诊时首重调肾,其次注重治脾,同时运用化痰祛湿法、疏肝理气法、活血祛瘀法以通利气血,并灵活运用现代医学经验综合治疗。文末所举医案为典型PCOS相关不孕,辨证属肾虚兼痰湿,章师从补肾利湿化痰着手,结合周期治疗,辨证论治,终得良效。[结论]章师治疗PCOS相关不孕,以“调肾”为治疗原则,兼顾治脾,注重调畅气机,扶正祛邪并举,中西病证互参,精准治疗,效果显著,值得借鉴。
      [Objective] To analyze and summarize Professor ZHANG Qin‘s characteristic experience and academic thoughts in treating infertility related to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). [Methods] After the clinical consultation with the teacher, the typical medical records were collected and summarized, and the characteristic experience of Professor ZHANG in treating PCOS related infertility from kidney manipulation was analyzed and summarized, and one medical case was cited for evidence. [Results] Professor ZHANG believes that kidney deficiency is the key pathogenesis of infertility related to PCOS, and often mixed with many factors such as spleen deficiency, phlegm dampness, liver depression, blood stasis, eventually leads to the “Kidney-Tiangui-Chong Ren-Uterus” reproductive axis function disorder. In clinic, Professor ZHANG emphasizes on regulating the kidney first, followed by the treatment of the spleen. Meanwhile, she applies the methods of resolving phlegm and removing dampness, soothing the liver and regulating Qi, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis to activate Qi and blood circulation, and flexibly applies modern medical experience for comprehensive treatment. The case cited was of typical infertility related to PCOS, and the syndrome differentiation belonged to kidney deficiency with phlegm dampness syndrome. Professor ZHANG started with tonifying the kidney, removing dampness and resolving phlegm, combined with periodic treatment based on syndrome differentiation, and finally achieved good effect. [Conclusion] Professor ZHANG treats infertility related to PCOS with the treatment principle of “regulating the kidney”, taking into account the spleen, paying attention to regulating the movement of vital energy, strengthen the body and remove pathogenic factors, combining Chinese and western diseases and syndromes, implements precise treatment, and the effect is remarkable, which is worthy of reference.
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