RNA Methylation and Kidney Essence Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine
中文关键词: 肾精  m6A修饰  甲基化酶  衰老  生长发育  表观遗传学  补肾中药
英文关键词: kidney essence  m6A modification  methylase  aging  growth and development  epigenetics  kidney tonifying herbs
骆守真 江苏省中医院 南京 210029 
常诚 江苏省中医院 南京 210029 
陈兆耀 江苏省中医院 南京 210029 
摘要点击次数: 1946
全文下载次数: 697
      [目的] 探析RNA N6-甲基腺苷(N6-methyladenosine, m6A)修饰与中医肾精之间的关系,总结二者的相似性,为探索肾精本质拓展思路。[方法] 通过查阅国内外最新文献和古代医籍,对RNA m6A修饰和肾精从来源、生理功能、病理机制等方面进行比较研究,总结二者之间的联系。[结果] 肾精在中医基础理论中处于核心地位,肾中精气的盛衰,关系到人体的生长发育、功能代谢以及衰老和疾病。RNA m6A修饰属于表观遗传学范畴,能够影响RNA的选择性剪切、稳定性、输出、降解和翻译,参与了人体各种生命活动,其在来源、生理功能、病理机制等方面均和中医学肾精相类似。 [结论] RNA m6A修饰是中医肾精的微观化体现,补肾中药或可通过调控机体m6A修饰发挥其治疗作用,为中医药现代化研究提供新的思路。
      [Objective] To explore the relationship between RNA N6-methyladenosine(m6A) modification and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) kidney essence, summarize the similarities between the two, and expand ideas for exploring the essence of kidney. [Methods] By consulting the latest domestic and foreign literature and ancient medical books, comparative studies on the source, physiological function, and pathological mechanism of RNA m6A modification and kidney essence were conducted, and the relationship between the two was summarized. [Results] The theory of kidney essence is at the core of the basic theory of TCM. The adequacy and deficiency of kidney essence is related to the growth, aging and disease of human body. RNA m6A modification belongs to the category of epigenetics, which affects the selective splicing, the stability, export, degradation and translation of RNA, and participates in various life activities of human body. Its origin, physiological function and pathological mechanism are similar to kidney essence of TCM. [Conclusion] RNA m6A modification is the microcosmic expression of kidney essence. Kidney tonifying herbs may play its therapeutic role by regulating m6A modification, which provides a new idea for the modernization of TCM.
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