Ideas and Methods of Diagnosis and Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia from Body Fluid and Gasification
中文关键词: 良性前列腺增生  津液  气化  水液代谢  排尿障碍  水热互结  阴虚化热  利水滋阴
英文关键词: benign prostatic hyperplasia  body fluid  gasification  body fluid metabolism  disturbance of urination  water heat interaction  Yin deficiency transforming to heat  promoting diuresis and nourishing Yin
赖孟超 浙江中医药大学第三临床医学院 杭州 310053 
孙洁 浙江中医药大学附属第三医院 
摘要点击次数: 1696
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      [目的] 研究从津液和气化诊治良性前列腺增生的思路和方法。[方法] 通过学习经典以及整理临床医案,总结出从津液和气化诊治良性前列腺增生的诊疗思路、辨治方法,并附验案佐证。[结果] 前列腺增生的主要临床表现是排尿障碍,孙洁主任认为排尿障碍的本质就是水液代谢障碍。水液代谢过程与津液和气化密切相关,津液和气化的各种异常都可能导致排尿障碍,津液异常包括津液不足和输布异常,气化异常包括气化不足和气化不通。治疗排尿障碍时要注意分清津液和气化的异常,选用适当治法恢复正常的水液代谢。所举验案一为热邪引起津液输布异常,治以除郁热、助气化,采用丹栀逍遥散加减;验案二为阴虚水热互结导致的气化不通,治以滋阴利水,采用猪苓汤加减治疗。[结论] 从津液和气化诊治良性前列腺增生,思路新颖,临床疗效确切,值得学习推广。
      [Objective] To study the ideas and methods of diagnosis and treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia from body fluid and gasification. [Methods] Through learning classics and sorting out clinical medical cases, this paper summarized the diagnosis and treatment ideas and treatment methods of benign prostatic hyperplasia from body fluid and gasification. Two proven cases were attached for supporting. [Results] The main clinical manifestation of benign prostatic hyperplasia is dysuria. Professor SUN Jie believes that the essence of dysuria is water metabolism disorder. The process of water metabolism is closely related to fluid and gasification, and various abnormalities of fluid and gasification may lead to dysuria. Abnormities of fluid include insufficient fluid and abnormal distribution. Abnormal gasification includes insufficient gasification and intermingled gasification. In the treatment of dysuria, attention should be paid to distinguishing abnormal fluid and gasification, and appropriate treatment should be selected to restore normal water metabolism. The first attached case was the abnormal distribution of fluid caused by heat evil, and the treatment was to remove stagnation heat and assist gasification, and Danzhi Xiaoyao Powder was added and subtracted. The second case was intermingled gasification caused by Yin deficiency and water heat interaction, the treatment was to nourish Yin and promote diuresis, and modified Zhuling Decoction was used. [Conclusion] The diagnosis and treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia from fluid and gasification has novel ideas and accurate clinical efficacy, which is worthy of learning and promotion.
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