A Comparative Study of Chinese Medicine Legislation in Britain, America and Australia from the Perspective of Cross-cultural Communication
中文关键词: 中医药  立法  英国  美国  澳大利亚  跨文化传播
英文关键词: Chinese medicine  legislation  UK  U.S.A.  Australia  cross-cultural communication
董静怡 浙江中医药大学 杭州 310053 
张宗明 南京中医药大学 
陈骥 成都中医药大学 
叶晓 浙江中医药大学 杭州 310053
摘要点击次数: 1340
全文下载次数: 646
      [目的] 分析海外中医药立法的跨文化因素,为中医药海外传播积累经验与教训,进一步推进中医药国际传播。[方法] 通过文献研究,选取英国(未立法)、美国(未完全立法)和澳大利亚(完全立法)三者作为中医药立法程度不同的典型例证,从思想文化、民众基础、政府态度等三方面深度剖析三国中医药立法情况,并对其进行比较和分析。[结果] 英美澳三国的中医药立法受到思想文化、民众基础和政府态度等多方面因素的综合影响,这些原因是导致其立法成败的关键因素。[结论] 海外中医药立法是一个艰辛而漫长的过程,其成功与否取决于多方面因素的影响和综合作用,而这些因素也是促成海外中医药立法应该努力的方向。
      [Objective] To analyze the cross-cultural factors of overseas Chinese medicine legislation, accumulate experience and learn lessons for the overseas dissemination of Chinese medicine, and further promote the international dissemination of Chinese medicine. [Methods] Through literature research, western countries with different degrees of legislation such as Britain(no legislation), the United States(incomplete legislation) and Australia(complete legislation) were selected for comparison and analysis, and the reasons for the different degrees of legislation of Chinese medicine in the three countries were deeply analyzed from three aspects: Ideology and culture, people's foundation and government attitude. [Results] The legislation of Chinese medicine in Britain, America and Australia is affected by many factors, such as ideology and culture, people's foundation and government attitude. These factors are the key to the success or failure of their legislation. [Conclusion] Legislation is a long and arduous process, and the degree of legislation in various countries is influenced by comprehensive factors. This paper puts forward constructive suggestions for promoting Chinese medicine legislation in overseas countries, aiming to contribute to the construction of a community with a shared future for human health.
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