ZHANG Jingyue's Academic Characteristics of Acupuncture and Moxibustion
中文关键词: 张景岳  针刺  补泻  灸法  学术特色  文献研究
英文关键词: ZHANG Jingyue  acupuncture  reinforcing and reducing methods  moxibustion  academic characteristics  literature research
毛伟波 浙江中医药大学基础医学院 杭州 310053 
江凌圳 浙江省中医药研究院 
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      [目的] 探析张景岳针灸学术特色,为针灸学术的发展提供借鉴价值。[方法] 应用中医文献学方法,以张氏所著《类经图翼》《类经》《景岳全书》等医籍中收录的针灸文献为研究对象,从灸法、经络、腧穴、针法四个方面进行整理研究。[结果] 张氏重温补,崇灸法,总结灸法宜忌,博采隔物灸、麦粒灸等特色灸法,注重交叉选穴灸法的运用,推崇灸法的温通作用;绘图表以明析全身11个部位的经络联系,整理35副经络图并配以文字说明,促进了经络辨证的灵活运用;博采多种针灸文献,完善腧穴主治,详分骨度,取穴灵活,提倡骨度分寸法和中指同身寸法的结合使用;详论得气在针刺补泻中的重要意义,阐发“针有泻而无补”之说,注重针刺的泻实作用。[结论] 张景岳对灸法运用的总结发挥,以图文结合的方式对经络的辨析、腧穴主治和定位的归纳创新、针刺补泻的阐发,都对后人产生了深远的影响和启发,并不断地被借鉴和引用,其针灸学术思想对今天的临床仍有一定的指导意义。
      [Objective] To explore ZHANG Jingyue's academic characteristics of acupuncture and moxibustion, so as to provide reference value for the development of acupuncture and moxibustion. [Methods] Using the philology method of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM), and taking the acupuncture and moxibustion literature collected in medical books such as Leijing Tuyi, Leijing and Jingyue Quanshu written by ZHANG Jingyue as the research object, it was studied from four aspects: Moxibustion, meridians, acupoints and acupuncture. [Results] ZHANG Jingyue emphasized warming and tonifying and worshipped moxibustion. He summarized the taboos of moxibustion, extensively adopted the characteristic moxibustion methods such as indirect moxibustion and grain-sized moxibustion, paid attention to the application of cross point selection moxibustion, and respected the warming and dredging effect of moxibustion; the drawing table was used to analyze the meridians and collaterals of 11 parts of the whole body, sorted out 35 figures of meridians and collaterals and provided text explanations, which promoted the flexible application of meridians and collaterals syndrome differentiation; collected a variety of acupuncture and moxibustion literature, improved the indications of acupoints, divided the bone degree in detail, selected acupoints flexibly, and advocated the combination of bone length measurement method and middle finger measurement method; discussed in detail the important significance of getting Qi in acupuncture reinforcing and reducing manipulation, expounded the theory that “Acupuncture being for reducing rather than reinforcing”, and paid attention to the effect of reducing excessiveness in acupuncture. [Conclusion] ZHANG Jingyue's summary and explication of the use of moxibustion, the discrimination of meridians by combining pictures and text, the induction and innovation of acupoint treatment and positioning, and the interpretation of reinforcing and reducing in acupuncture therapy all have a profound influence and inspiration on later generations, and have been constantly borrowed and quoted. And his academic thoughts on acupuncture still have a certain guiding significance to today's clinical practice.
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