Professor Qiu Changlin’s Thoughts on Treating Myasthenia Gravis Complicated with Vitiligo Qian Tong,Jiang Xuhong, Zhang Zhengxiang, Qiu Changlin(Guidance),The first affiliated hospital of zhejiang university of traditional Chinese medicine, hangzhou (310006)
中文关键词: 重症肌无力  白癜风  中医治疗  裘昌林  名医经验
英文关键词: myasthenia gravis  Vitiligo  traditional Chinese medicine treatment  QiuChangLin  famous doctor"s experience
钱同 浙江中医药大学附属第一医院 310006
蒋旭宏* 浙江中医药大学附属第一医院 310006
章正祥 浙江中医药大学附属第一医院 
裘昌林 浙江中医药大学附属第一医院 
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      [目的]总结裘昌林老师诊疗并重症肌无力合并白癜风的临床经验。[方法]通过复习相关中医文献、跟师学习、整理医案等方式,总结分析裘昌林老师在治疗重症肌无力合并白癜风的学术观点和临床经验。并列举具体医案予以验证。[结果]裘师认为,重症肌无力合并白癜风并不少见,皆与自身免疫相关。白癜风可分虚实,但重症肌无力者,久病体虚,两者合并必为虚证,治疗注重健脾益气与养血结合,调补肝肾、调气活血化瘀为辅,中医药临病治疗取得明显疗效。所举医案,贯彻裘师辨证施治经验,获得满意疗效。[结论]裘昌林老师辨 证论治重症肌无力合并白癜风,疗效满意,副反应少,充分说明中医药治疗重症肌无力合并白癜风的优势,值得传承推广。
      [objective]To summarize the clinical experience of qiu changlin in treating myasthenia gravis with vitiligo.[methods]By reviewing relevant literature of traditional Chinese medicine, studying in clinic with teacher and tidying medical records,to summarize and analyze qiu changlin"s academic views and clinical experience in the treatment of myasthenia gravis combined with vitiligo.And enumerate specific medical cases to verify. [Results]Teacher Qiu think, myasthenia gravis combined with vitiligo is not uncommon and is associated with autoimmunity.Vitiligo can be divided into deficiency and excess, but myasthenia gravis, long disease body deficiency, the combination of the two will be deficiency syndrome, the treatment focuses on the combination of spleen and qi qi and nourishing blood, regulating the liver and kidney, regulating qi and blood circulation to remove blood stasis as a supplement, traditional Chinese medicine raditional Chinese medicine has achieved obvious curative effect. According to the medical case, the experience of qiu"s syndrome differentiation and treatment was carried out, and the satisfactory curative effect was obtained. [conclusion]Teacher qiu changlin identified treatment of myasthenia gravis combined with vitiligo, satisfactory efficacy, side effects, This fully demonstrates the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of myasthenia gravis combined with vitiligo, which is worthy of inheritance and promotion.
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