The Experience of Professor SHI Yanping in Treating Diminished Ovarian Reserve with Hypomenorrhea
中文关键词: 月经过少  卵巢功能减退  时燕萍  医案  临证经验  益经汤
英文关键词: hypomenorrhea  diminished ovarian reserve  SHI Yanping  medical cases  clinical experience  Yijing Decoction
叶圆圆 南京中医药大学附属医院 南京 210029 
时燕萍 南京中医药大学附属医院 南京 210029 
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全文下载次数: 1076
      [目的]介绍时燕萍教授运用中医药治疗卵巢功能减退性月经过少的经验。[方法]通过系统阅读相关文献,临床跟师学习,从病因病机、辨证治疗等方面总结时燕萍教授治疗卵巢功能减退性月经过少的学术观点和临床经验,并附验案一例。[结果]时教授认为卵巢功能减退性月经过少的基本病机是肾虚肝郁,兼有脾虚、血瘀、心肾不交,证属本虚标实,治疗以补肾疏肝为基本大法,辅以健脾宁心、活血化瘀,拟加减益经汤治疗。所举验案为肾虚肝郁型卵巢功能减退性月经过少,以加减益经汤补肾、疏肝、健脾、活血,患者月经经量恢复正常,基础卵泡刺激素(basal follicle stimulating hormone,bFSH)水平明显下降。[结论]时教授对卵巢功能减退性月经过少的治疗具有独特的临床经验,能改善卵巢功能,预防卵巢早衰,保护女性健康,值得借鉴和学习。
      [Objective]To introduce the Professor SHI Yanping's experience in treating diminished ovarian reserve with hypomenorrhea with traditional Chinese medicine.[Methods]Through clinical learning with the teacher and systematic reading literatures about oligomenorrhea and primary ovarian insufficiency, the author summarized Professor SHI’s academic views and clinical treating experience of the treatment of this disease from the aspect of etiology, pathogenesis, syndrome differentiation and treatment, At the same time, one proven case was presented respectively.[Results] Professor SHI believes that the basic pathogenesis of the disease is kidney deficiency along with liver depression, spleen deficiency and blood stasis. Professor SHI points out smoothing the liver and strengthening the spleen is the basic treatment, invigorating the heart and removing blood stasis is assistant, and uses modified Yijing Decoction in clinical practice. A case of hypofunctional menstrual oligomenstruation of the kidney deficiency and liver depression was given. After treatment, the menstrual volume was restored to normal, and the level of basal follicle stimulating hormone decreased significantly. [Conclusion] The rich experience that Professor SHI treating this disease might be worthy of promotion and learning which has a good effect on increasing menstrual flow, improving ovarian function and improving the quality of life in patients.
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