Analysis of Factors Affecting the Use of Traditional Chinese Medicine Nursing Techniques to Promote Breastfeeding in Maternal Patients
中文关键词: 中医护理技术;母乳喂养;PRECEDE模式  孕产妇  健康教育
英文关键词: TCM nursing techniques  breastfeeding  PRECEDE mode  maternal  health education
周英淑仪 浙江中医药大学 杭州 310053  
肖雯晖 浙江中医药大学 杭州 310053 963032491@qq.com 
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      [目的]应用保健过程模式 (Predisposing,Reinforcing and Enabling Causes in Educational Diagnosis and Evaluation,PRECEDE)探讨影响产妇使用中医护理技术促进母乳喂养的因素。[方法]基于PRECEDE模式自行设计问卷,采用便利抽样法对杭州市五所三级甲等医院368例产妇进行调查,采用多元线性回归模型分析影响产妇对应用中医护理技术促进泌乳需求程度的主要因素。[结果]影响产妇使用中医护理技术促进母乳喂养的因素可分为倾向因素(产妇知识缺乏、需求程度较高)、促成因素和强化因素(缺乏家人朋友的态度行为与经验支持、社区健康文化以及获得知识途径)。根据多元线性回归方程,产妇的文化程度、胎次、认知水平以及包括亲友的态度与支持、社区文化等的外在因素是影响产妇需求程度的主要因素。[结论]今后为孕产妇提供中医护理技术健康教育时,应充分考虑倾向因素、促成因素和强化因素,针对不同类型产妇提供相应措施,普及相关知识,开展多样中医护理实践,努力提高中医药服务能力,从而促进母乳喂养。
      [Objective] To investigate potential factors affecting the use of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) nursing techniques to promote breastfeeding in maternal patients by using PRECEDE(Predisposing, Reinforcing, and Enabling Causes in Educational Diagnosis and Evaluation) mode. [Methods] A total of 368 puerpera who were hospitalized in five top first-class general hospitals in Hangzhou and were investigated with self-made questionnaires on the basis of PRECEDE mode were used to collect data about general information, cognitive level, the degree of demand. The related factors influencing the degree of demand whether the puerpera use TCM nursing techniques to promote lactation or not was analyzed by means of multiple linear regression models. [Results] The factors affecting puerpera’s choices can be classified into predisposing factors(puerpera lack of knowledge, high demand), enabling factors and reinforcing factors(lack of family and friends’ support, community health culture and get knowledge approach). According to the multiple linear regression equation, puerpera’s educational degrees, the gravida times, cognitive level and external factors including attitudes and support of relatives and friends, community culture, etc. were main factors of which influenced delivery women’s demand degree of TCM nursing techniques in breastfeeding. [Conclusions] In the future, when providing Chinese medicine nursing technology health education for pregnant women, we should take full consideration of predisposing factors, enabling factors and reinforcing factors. Doctors and nurses should teach perinatal parturient knowledge about TCM nursing techniques in breastfeeding and carry out clinical practice at the same time to meet the needs of different mothers.
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