丁艳,郑小伟.浅析《黄帝内经》《伤寒杂病论》酒之论[J].浙江中医药大学学报,2019,43(3):219-221, 231.
A Brief Analysis of the Discussion on Wine in Neijing and Miscellaneous Diseases of Typhoid
中文关键词: 黄帝内经  伤寒杂病论    熟谷之液  剽悍  酒疗  酒客
英文关键词: Neijing  On Miscellaneous Diseases of Typhoid  wine  liquid of cooked grain  wild  wine therapy  drinkers
丁艳 浙江中医药大学基础医学院 杭州 310053 
郑小伟 浙江中医药大学基础医学院 杭州 310053 
摘要点击次数: 2272
全文下载次数: 1064
      [Objective]To summarize the discussion about alcohol in Neijing and on miscellaneous diseases of typhoid fever, and to guide the clinical practice with the medicine of wine. [Methods] By analyzing the properties of wine origin,the method of liquor therapy in ancient times in Neijing,and we analyzes the related functions of decoction, processing and taking Chinese medicine with wine on Miscellaneous Diseases of Typhoid Fever of Zhongjing, and the taboo of wine and the medical cases of the diseases caused by wine were clarified in these two books. [Result] The wine is originated from five grains,which is the essence of water grains and the liquid of ripe grains. It has the characteristics of strong and smooth, and is the strong and hot gas. Wine follows the Weiqi to skin and fills the collaterals at first,making the collaterals full and the meridians empty. Wine can be drained before grain,make people strong,besides drinkers must ban sweet, drunk people must ban acupuncture. Moreover,wine is widely used,which can not only take raw wine,external compress,smear and iron,but also decoction,processing and taking Chinese medicine. It also can be used to stimulate Qi and blood circulation,warm Yang Qi and remove cold,increase the effect. However, excessive drinking can lead to clinical disease. [Conclusion]Wine can treat disease and also cause disease. We should use wine reasonably in clinic, don't drink too much.
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