Professor CUI Yun's Academic Thought on Treating Chronic Prostatitis from “Six Depressions ”
中文关键词: 慢性前列腺炎  六郁  调畅气机  辨郁论治  崔云  医案  名医经验
英文关键词: chronic prostatitis  six depressions  regulating Qi activity  treatment according to depression differentiation  CUI Yun  proven cases  famous doctor’s experience
刘冰 浙江中医药大学第三临床医学院 杭州 310053  
崔云 浙江中医药大学附属宁波中医院 nbszyy@sina.com 
郑军状 慈溪市中医医院  
陶方泽 南京中医药大学附属南京中医院  
李培轮 浙江中医药大学第三临床医学院 杭州 310053  
刘擎 浙江中医药大学第三临床医学院 杭州 310053  
任国庆 浙江中医药大学第三临床医学院 杭州 310053  
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      [目的]探讨崔云教授治疗慢性前列腺炎的学术思想及临床经验。[方法]跟随崔云教授临证侍诊,收集相关医案,分析崔云教授对慢性前列腺炎病机的认识,总结其从六郁论治慢性前列腺炎的特色疗法,并分析典型案例。[结果]基于中医传统六郁理论,崔云教授认为本病发于气郁,而肝气郁滞,气机不畅为本,变于诸郁相因,相兼相化。治疗上以疏肝解郁、调畅气机为总则,同时紧扣病机之变化,辨郁论治。遣方用药的特点是以传统经方为基石,同时结合现代药理学研究。所举案例,在疏肝解郁、调畅气机的基础上,辅以化痰祛湿、清热散火、活血化瘀、消食化积之法,体现了其辨郁论治的治疗思路。 [结论]崔云教授从“六郁”论治慢性前列腺炎的学术思想已具备中医学完整的理、法、方、药体系,值得学习和推广。
      [Objective] To explore the academic thought and clinical experience of Professor CUI Yun in treating chronic prostatitis.[Method] To analyze Professor CUI Yun's understanding of the pathogenesis of chronic prostatitis and summarize his characteristic therapy of treating chronic prostatitis from six depressions by following Professor CUI Yun's clinical attendance and collecting relevant medical records. Typical cases are also analyzed. [Result] Professor CUI Yun thinks that the pathogenesis of chronic prostatitis is originated from Qi depression. Stagnation of liver Qi and irregular flow of Qi are the bases. All kinds of depression affect each other, causing a change. The emphasis of treatment is on relieving stagnation of liver Qi and regulating Qi. Meanwhile,the disease should be treated with the change of pathogenesis and the type of depression. The prescriptions are based on classical prescription,combined with modern pharmacology and changed with symptoms. The case mentioned,on the basis of relieving stagnation of liver Qi and regulating Qi activity,is supplemented by the method of eliminating phlegm and removing dampness,clearing heat-fire,promoting blood circulation for removing blood stasis,relieving dyspepsia. This reflects the thought of treatment according to depression differentiation.[Conclusion] Professor CUI Yun's academic thought on treating chronic prostatitis from "six depressions" already has a complete system,which includes the mechanism, method, prescription and medicine of TCM. It is worthy of being studied and popularized.
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