潘琳钐,彭拥军,孙建华,等.明清时期针灸治疗中风后失语选穴规律的数据挖掘分析[J].浙江中医药大学学报,2019,43(3):270-274, 278.
Analysis of Acupoint Selection in Treatment of Aphasia after Stroke in Ming and Qing Dynasties Based on Data Mining
中文关键词: 针灸  古籍  中风后失语  选穴规律  数据挖掘
英文关键词: acupuncture and moxibustion  ancient books  aphasia after apoplexy  rule of acupoint selection  data mining
潘琳钐 南京中医药大学附属医院 南京 210029  
彭拥军 南京中医药大学附属医院 南京 210029 pengyongjun2004@126.com 
孙建华 南京中医药大学附属医院 南京 210029  
朱冰梅 四川大学华西医院  
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      [目的]运用数据挖掘技术,分析明清时期针灸文献治疗中风后失语的处方选穴规律及配伍意义。[方法]收集明清时期针灸文献,利用Excel建立中风后失语针灸治疗处方数据库,用IBM SPSS modeler18.0、SPSS24.0软件对数据进行描述性分析、关联规则分析。[结果]共收集中风后失语针灸处方108条,涉及经络14条,穴位111个,总频次494次,频次最高的穴位为合谷、百会、哑门,使用最多的经络为督脉、手阳明大肠经、足阳明胃经、足少阳胆经,部位集中在头面颈、上肢、下肢,特定穴频次最高的为五输穴、交会穴,配伍关联结果显示,排在前五的为然谷→阴谷、阴谷→然谷、复溜→灵道、阴谷→灵道、然谷→鱼际。[结论]针灸治疗中风后失语的处方选穴规律遵循:局部选穴、远端取穴、辨证取穴,远近配穴、同名经配穴、上下配穴法,注重特定穴的运用。
      [Objective] To analyze the prescription rules and features of acupuncture and moxibustion in treatment of aphasia after stroke by data mining in Ming and Qing dynasties. [Methods] The literatures of acupuncture and moxibustion treating aphasia were collected from Ming and Qing dynasties. Using Excel to set up a database of selection points of post-stroke aphasia, we collected data of acupoints for therapy on aphasia after stroke and then did descriptive analysis and association analysis to the data with IBM SPSS modeler18.0, SPSS24.0.[Results] 108 articles were selected for acupuncture treatment of aphasia after stroke, involving 14 meridians, 111 points, a total frequency of 494. Hegu, Baihui, Yamen were listed as the top three acupoints with the highest frequency of application. The most frequently used meridians were Governor Vessel,Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming, Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming and Gallbladder Channel of Foot-Shaoyang.Most of these acupoints are concentrated in the head, face and neck, upper limbs and lower limbs.The highest frequency of specific acupoints were five-Shu points and intersection points.The correlation analysis showed that the top 5 were Rangu→Yingu, Yingu→Rangu, Fuliu→Lingdao, Yingu→Lingdao, Rangu→Yuji.[Conclusion] Acupuncture treatment of aphasia after stroke follows the prescription of local found acupoints,distal acupoints and syndrome differentiation.Compatibility methods are the distal-proximal point association, combination of points of namesake meridians, up and down hole method,and value the use of specific acupoints.
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