The Clinical Experience of Treating Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy from“Blood paralysis”
中文关键词: 血痹  糖尿病周围神经病变  病因病机  黄芪桂枝五物汤  医案  临证经验  黄平
英文关键词: blood paralysis  diabetic peripheral neuropathy  cause of disease and pathogenesis  Huangqi Guizhi Wuwu decoction  consilia  clinical experience  HUANG Ping
孔梦梦 浙江中医药大学 杭州 310053  
黄平 浙江中医药大学附属第二医院 htyhp_63@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 2026
全文下载次数: 996
      [Objective]To summarize and introduce Professor HUANG Ping's clinical experience in treating diabetic peripheral neuropathy from "blood paralysis", so as to provide better guidance in clinical practice.[Methods]The main symptoms of numbness, weakness and weakness of the lower limbs were taken as the entry point, through collecting the cases of Professor HUANG Ping, the characteristics of the pathogenesis and the medication were analyzed, and one medical record was presented.[Results]Professor HUANG Ping believes that diabetic peripheral neuropathy meets the clinical symptoms of blood stasis in "Synopsis of Golden Chamber",such as the "blood paralysis". The main pathogenesis is Qi vacuity with blood stasis and construction-defense disharmony and easy to clip wet and sputum.Based on benefiting vital energy, harmonizing the blood, freeing stasis,dehumidification could be used flexibly, to improve the clinical efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. The patient had a history of diabetes for many years, and was suffered from numbness of the limbs, cold and weakness. Professor HUANG Ping believed that it was Qi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome,took supplementing Qi,warming meridian, regulating and tonifying the blood and dredging paralysis as therapeutic principles, and adopted Huangqi Guizhi Wuwu decoction according to the symptom differentiation, and achieved good clinical results. [Conclusion]The clinical curative effect on the treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy from blood paralysis is obvious, and plays an important role in the treatment of this disease. Professor HUANGPING's exprience has certain guiding significance and is worth learning.
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