CHEN Guofeng’s Experience of Treating Vocal Cord Leukoplakia by Removing Phlegm Dampness and Stasis Toxic
中文关键词: 声带白斑  痰湿瘀毒  辨证论治  陈国丰  名医经验  临证医案
英文关键词: vocal cord leukoplakia  phlegm dampness and stasis toxin  treatment according to syndrome differentiation  CHEN Guofeng  famous doctor's experience  clinical medical case
余冰倩 南京中医药大学 南京 210029  
马俊 南京中医药大学附属医院  
马华安 南京中医药大学附属医院 houhuty@163.com 
陈国丰 南京中医药大学附属医院  
摘要点击次数: 2398
全文下载次数: 1102
      [目的] 探讨名老中医陈国丰教授诊治声带白斑的临床经验。[方法] 通过跟师随诊,收集、整理、归纳陈国丰教授治疗声带白斑的病例,以“痰湿瘀毒”为切入点,分析声带白斑的病因病机,总结临证经验,并附验案举隅。[结果] 陈国丰教授认为声带白斑的形成,是由于痰、湿、瘀、毒积聚于喉门所致,并根据此病机创立了治疗声带白斑的有效经验方“陈氏化斑汤”,随证加减应用。所举案例中患者辨证为痰湿瘀毒,经活血化瘀、解毒豁痰等治疗后,声带白斑完全消退。[结论] 陈国丰教授从“痰湿瘀毒”入手治疗声带白斑,取得了良好的临床疗效,值得后学借鉴。
      [Objective] To investigate clinical experience of Professor CHEN Guofeng about treating vocal cord leukoplakia. [Methods] Taking “phlegm dampness and stasis toxin” as an entry point, Professor CHEN Guofeng's clinical experience was summarized by following Professor CHEN’s clinical work, collecting consilias and analyzing the treatment thoughts of vocal cord leukoplakia. One proven case was proposed. [Results] Professor CHEN Guofeng believes that the formation of vocal cord leukoplakia is caused by the phlegm dampness and stasis toxin pathogen in the larynx. According to this pathogenesis, the effective experience prescription of treating vocal cord leukoplakia“Chen Shi Hua Ban Tang” was formed. The case was differentiated with phlegm dampness and stasis toxin,and achieved good results after treated by“Chen Shi Hua Ban Tang”.[Conclusion] Professor CHEN Guofeng is good at treating vocal cord leukoplakia by removing phlegm dampness and stasis toxic. The clinical effect is remarkable and it is worth learning.
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