ZHAO Hongli's Experience in Treating Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion Caused by Abnormal NK Cells
中文关键词: NK细胞  复发性流产  脾肾亏虚  瘀热  辨证分型  赵宏利  临床经验
英文关键词: NK cell  recurrent spontaneous abortion  deficiency of spleen and kidney  stagnant heat  syndrome differentiation  ZHAO Hongli  clinical experience
陈颖颖 浙江中医药大学 杭州 310053  
赵宏利 浙江中医药大学附属广兴医院 z6hl@163.com 
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      [目的]总结赵宏利主任医师治疗自然杀伤(natural killer,NK)细胞异常复发性流产的临床经验。[方法]通过门诊抄方并整理赵师治疗本病的医案,从病因病机、辨证分型、遣方用药等方面分析赵师对本病的论治经验,并附验案一则。[结果]NK细胞异常复发性流产的病因病机以脾肾亏虚为本,瘀热为标,本病可分为肾虚型、肾虚血瘀型、痰瘀互结型、血虚湿滞型、寒热错杂型,治疗上孕前重视预培其损、辨证施治,孕后治以健脾益肾、固冲安胎。所举验案属脾肾亏虚、寒热错杂型,以厚胞汤合泻心汤加减治疗,患者NK细胞水平明显下降,并成功受孕、活产。[结论]赵师采用补肾健脾,标本兼顾的方法治疗NK细胞异常复发性流产,疗效明显,值得借鉴和学习。
      [Objective]To summarize the clinical experience of Chief Physician ZHAO Hongli in treatment of recurrent spontaneous abortion caused by abnormal natural killer(NK) cells.[Methods]Through copying and sorting formulas of Chief ZHAO in treating this disease,the clinical experience of Chief ZHAO in diagnosis and treatment was explained from the aspects of etiology, syndrome differentiation,use of medications, and a case was presented.[Results] The basic pathogenesis of recurrent spontaneous abortion caused by abnormal NK Cells is deficiency of the spleen and kidney,and it occurs with the blood stasis and stagnant heat, this disease was divided into kidney deficiency, kidney asthenia with blood stasis, phlegm and blood stasis, fluid-retention due to spleen-asthenia, cold and heat syndromes. Chief ZHAO thinks that the emphasis should be put on regulating the body before pregnancy firstly; after pregnancy, tonifying kidney, strengthening the spleen, and reinforcing the Chong channel should be important. In the reported case, the patient was differentiated as kidney and spleen deficiency, cold and heat syndrome, and was successfully cured by Houbao decoction and Xiexin decoction.[Conclusion] The main therapeutic principal of invigorating the kidney and strengthening the spleen, and taking the specimens into consideration to treat recurrent spontaneous abortion caused by abnormal NK cells of Chief ZHAO, deserves us to learn and follow.
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