Research Progress on Different Geographical Areas, Processing Methods and Collecting Time of the Effective Compounds in Paeoniae Radix(Shaoyao)
中文关键词: 芍药  有效成分  含量差异  芍药苷  芍药内酯苷  产地  炮制  采收时间
英文关键词: Paeoniae Radix  effective compounds  content difference  paeoniflorin  albiflorin  geographical areas  processing  harvest time
沈梦兰 浙江中医药大学药学院 杭州 310053  
严斌俊 浙江中医药大学药学院 杭州 310053 ybinjun@126.com 
秦路平 浙江中医药大学药学院 杭州 310053 qinsmmu@126.com 
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全文下载次数: 1042
      [Objective] To review the research progress on the content differences of the active compounds in Paeoniae Radix. [Methods]By summarizing the relevant literatures in recent 10 years, this paper compared the Paeoniae Radix from Zhejiang, Anhui, Hebei, Shandong and other places. And compared Paeoniae Radix with sulfur-fumigated, stir-baking with bran, wine fried and other different processing methods. Also compared the Paeoniae Radix which harvested in different seasons, growing years and different parts of the root. To clarify the content differences of active ingredients in Paeoniae Radix from different geographical areas, processing methods and collecting time, etc.[Results]The content of paeoniflorin and albiflorin in Paeoniae Radix from different geographical areas was significantly different, which was higher in Pan’an and Bozhou. The content of paeoniflorin in wild Paeoniae Radix from Hebei Province was significantly higher than that in other areas, but the content of albiflorin was not high.The content of other ingredients in Paeoniae Radix from different geographical areas was different.Different processing methods will lead to changes in the content and types of effective compounds in Paeoniae Radix. A short time of decoction can effectively improve the content of paeoniflorin and albiflorin. The content of paeoniflorin will decrease by stir-baking with bran and wine fried. Sulfur fumigation can promote the transformation of paeoniflorin into the sulfonate of paeoniflorin. And the content of other ingredients also decreases to varying degrees. Compared with summer, Paeoniae Radix is more suitable for spring and autumn harvest. The right time to harvest is after the second growth. The bark of rhizome can protect the conversion and loss of chemical compounds.[Conclusion]The content of paeoniflorin and albiflorin in Paeoniae Radix in Bozhou and Pan’an are higher than in other places, and processing can reduce or transform other effective compounds in Paeoniae Radix with different degrees. The appropriate time for harvesting should be after the second growth. There are relatively few studies on the content of catechin and gallic acids etc., so the differences in the content of these compounds need to be further studied.
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