Discussion on the Idea of“Differentiation of Prescriptions and Syndromes” in Treatise on Febrile Diseases
中文关键词: 方证辨证  方证内涵  伤寒论  经方  历史源流  仲景学说
英文关键词: differentiation of prescriptions and syndromes  connotation of prescription and syndrome  Treatise on Febrile Diseases  classical prescription  historical origin  Zhongjing theory
高强 长春中医药大学 长春 130117 
王军 长春中医药大学 长春 130117 
摘要点击次数: 1666
全文下载次数: 996
      [Objective]To analyze and summarize the development trend and existing problems of the thought of“dialectical differentiation of prescriptions and syndromes”.[Method]Referring to relevant ancient medical books and contemporary literature, this paper analyses the historical evolution, connotation, research methods, application methods and significance of "syndrome differentiation of prescriptions" and draws a conclusion. [Results]The thought of “syndrome differentiation based on prescription” originated from Zhongjing, and doctors of all dynasties discussed it in varying degrees. The prescriptions in “syndrome differentiation of prescriptions” mainly refer to the classical prescriptions,but also refer to the current prescriptions with proper compatibility and definite curative effect. The prescriptions of syndromes refer to a relatively fixed set of symptoms and signs. There are several methods to study“prescription syndrome” such as examining and verifying, using prescription syndrome and modern model, etc. In the application of “differentiation of prescriptions and syndromes”, attention should be paid to such problems as inaccurate seating, accurate differentiation of symptoms and signs, and evidence for addition or subtraction. As a thought of syndrome differentiation and treatment, it has universal significance and can effectively guide clinical and teaching.[Conclusion] Up to now, it has gradually been refined, systematized and theorization, but it lacks systematic and comprehensive summary and understanding, accurate and widely recognized definition and research methods.
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