Study on Medication Rules of TCM in Treating Male Infertility Based on Data Mining
中文关键词: 男性不育症  用药规律  数据挖掘  频数分析  关联规则  聚类分析
英文关键词: male infertility  medication rules  data mining  frequency analysis  association rules  cluster analysis
徐文丽 宁波市奉化区中医医院 浙江奉化 315500  
崔云 浙江中医药大学附属宁波中医院 nbzyy@sina.com 
陶方泽 南京市中医院  
秦培芝 浙江中医药大学附属宁波中医院  
方腾铎 浙江中医药大学附属宁波中医院  
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      [目的]研究男性不育症中医用药规律。[方法]检索2012年1月至2016年12月中国知网(China National Knowledge Infrastructure,CNKI)收录的中医诊治男性不育症的临床研究和个人经验类文献,提取方药信息,建立用药数据库,应用频数分析、聚类分析和关联规则分析进行数据挖掘。[结果]筛选出的145篇文献中共有215首处方,涉及235味药,18类功效,共计2 644药物频次。使用频次位于前50的药物累积频率达 75.55%,使用频率前7位的药物类别依次为补虚药、清热药、活血化瘀药、利水渗湿药、收涩药、解表药、理气药。药性依次以温、平、寒为主,鲜见大寒大热之药;药味以甘味为最,苦、辛次之;归经以肾为最,其次为肝,再次为肺和脾。关联规则分析显示关联性强的主要为五子衍宗丸方中的子类药物组合,其他还有子类药与补虚药的配伍组合。高频药物聚类分析得到10个聚类方,集中体现出中医治疗男性不育症在补益精血的基础上辨证运用泻火坚阴、解毒导浊、活血通精、理气解郁等治法。[结论]中医治疗男性不育症谨守“正虚邪实”的病机本质,用药以补虚为基本组方配伍,包括补肾健脾、滋补肝肾,兼顾清热、解毒、活血、利水、理气等,契合病机。多种数据挖掘技术结合能更全面和客观地反映男性不育症临床用药规律。
      [Objective] To analyze the medication rules of TCM in treating male infertility (MI) based on data mining. [Methods] The literature about treating MI with TCM,published between January 2012 and December 2016,included in China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI) was retrieved. The information of medical records was collected and extracted, and the database was established, the drugs were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, and the usage frequency of drugs was analyzed by clustering analysis and association rules analysis. [Results] There were 215 formulas, 235 drugs and 2 644 frequencies in 145 medical literatures. The frequency of the top 50 drugs is up to 75.55%, and the top seven types of frequently applied MI drugs by effect were energy-restoring drugs, heat-clearing drugs, blood circulation-promoting drugs, urine-promoting drugs, astringent drugs, exterior syndrome-reliving drugs, and Qi-smoothing drugs. The top three properties were warm, neutral and cold, hardly great cold or hot drugs. The top three tastes were sweetness,bitterness and acridity, with sweetness as the dominance. The main meridian entries were kidney, liver, lung and spleen. The association rules analysis showed that subdrugs from the Wuzi Yanzong pill were closely linked, and the subdrugs have close connection with energy-restoring drugs. Ten central drugs groups were obtained by using clustering analysis, which showed the TCM therapies of MI were based on tonifying deficiency, flexibly combined with removing heat to nourish Yin, promoting detoxification to guide turbidity, invigorating circulation to smooth semen, and regulating Qi to ease depress.[Conclusion] The medication rules of TCM in treating MI is complied with the pathological mechanism of asthenia of healthy Qi and sthenia of pathogenic factors. And the prescription is based on energy restoring, taking into account kidney tonifying and spleen invigorating, liver nourishing, combined with clearing away heat and toxic materials, activating blood circulation, clearing damp and regulating Qi-flowing, which conformed to the pathogenesis of MI. On the other hand, a combination of multiple data mining methods reflected the medication rules of TCM in treating MI more comprehensively and objectively.
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