ZHOU Hengde’s Experience of Treatment on Ulcerative Colitis in Remission Phase
中文关键词: 溃疡性结肠炎  缓解期  周亨德  辨证治疗  医案  名医经验
英文关键词: ulcerative colitis  remission phase  ZHOU Hengde  syndrome differentiation and treatment  medical records  famous doctor's experience
裘辉 浙江中医药大学附属第三医院 杭州 310009 
张智慧 台州市第一人民医院 
陈素珍 浙江中医药大学附属第三医院 杭州 310009 
周亨德 浙江中医药大学附属第一医院 
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      [目的]总结周亨德教授诊疗溃疡性结肠炎(ulcerative colitis,UC)缓解期的临床经验和学术观点。[方法]通过复习相关中医文献,跟师临诊及整理医案,总结周教授对UC缓解期病因病机、辨证分型的认识,以及治疗思路和用药特色,并列举验案一则加以佐证。[结果]周教授认为,UC缓解期多为虚证或虚中夹实证,脾气亏虚为发病之本,湿、热、瘀、滞为发病之标。虚证可分为脾气亏虚、脾阳不足两型,以益气健脾、温阳健脾为治则,脾气亏虚型选用参苓白术散加减,脾阳不足型选用理中汤加减;虚中夹实者在上述证型基础上分别选用疏肝理气、消食导滞、清热燥湿、活血化瘀之品,强调适时调养胃阴,以防燥湿太过。所举验案中患者辨证为脾气亏虚,经过益气健脾燥湿、疏肝行气导滞等治疗后,收效良好。[结论]周教授认为UC缓解期多为本虚证或本虚标实证,以脾气亏虚为本,湿邪为标,健脾化湿应贯穿整个治疗过程,其临床经验值得传承推广。
      [Objective] To summarize Professor ZHOU Hengde's clinical experience and academic point in diagnosis and treatment of ulcerative colitis (UC). [Methods] Through reviewing the relevant traditional Chinese medicine literature, following the clinical work and sorting out the medical records, Professor ZHOU's understanding of the etiology, pathogenesis, syndrome differentiation and classification of UC in remission phase, as well as the treatment ideas and medication characteristics, and clinical experience and academic characteristics of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine in the treatment of UC were collated. One case was presented as proof. [Results] Professor ZHOU believes that the remission phase of UC is mostly deficiency syndrome or asthenia with sthenia syndrome, deficiency of spleen Qi is the root of the disease, dampness, heat, blood stasis and stagnation are the criteria of the disease. Deficiency syndrome can be divided into two types: Deficiency of spleen Qi and deficiency of spleen Yang, the treatment principle should be tonifying Qi, invigorating spleen and warming Yang and invigorating spleen. Patients of deficiency of spleen Qi can select modified Shenling Baizhu San and patients of deficiency of spleen Yang can select Lizhong Decoction. On the basis of the above syndrome types, patients of asthenia with sthenia syndrome can select the products of soothing the liver and regulating Qi, promoting digestion and resolving stagnation, clearing heat and eliminating dampness, activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis. Nourishing stomach Yin timely should be emphasized to prevent excessive dampness elimination. The patient in the case was differentiated as deficiency of spleen Qi, and achieved good results after treated with tonifying Qi, invigorating spleen, eliminating dampness, soothing liver Qi, conducting stagnation. [Conclusion] Professor ZHOU believes that the remission phase of UC is mostly deficiency syndrome or asthenia with sthenia syndrome, deficiency of spleen Qi is the root of the disease, dampness is the criteria of the disease, and invigorating the spleen and removing dampness should go through the whole treatment process. His clinical experience is worthy of inheritance and promotion.
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