Clinical Application Analysis on Liuwei Dihuang Pills in the“Unprinted YE’s Medical Records”
中文关键词: 六味地黄丸  未刻本叶氏医案  叶天士  新安医学  医案  用药规律
英文关键词: Liuwei Dihuang Pills  Unprinted YE’s Medical Records  YE Tianshi  Xin’an Medical School  medical record  administration rule
韩诗筠 浙江中医药大学第三临床医学院 杭州 310053 
林志豪 浙江中医药大学第三临床医学院 杭州 310053 
黄硕 浙江中医药大学第三临床医学院 杭州 310053 
何若苹 浙江中医药大学附属第三医院 
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全文下载次数: 1017
      [Objective]To summarize clinical experience and the law of addition and decrease of herbs of YE Tianshi, who was a representative of Xin’an Medical School in the Qing Dynasty, using Liuwei Dihuang Pills in the Unprinted YE’s Medical Records.[Methods]By adopting the research method of medical history documentation, through the study of the Unprinted YE’s Medical Records, 39 cases of YE Tianshi applying Liuwei Dihuang Pills were selected so as to sort out and analyze the categories and the law of addition and decrease of herbs medicine. These help to summarize the clinical experience of YE Tianshi. [Results]YE Tianshi applied Liuwei Dihuang Pills mostly for treating cough, hemoptysis, vertigo, asthma, diarrhea, palpitation, edema, abdominal distention and other diseases. These basic pathogenesis are of deficiency of kidney-Yin,which causes excess of Yang,and miscellaneous diseases appear. YE Tianshi mainly chose herbs to nourish kidney-Yin, adding the treatment of receiving Qi, expelling coldness, suppressing Yang and draining water. In clinical practice, YE Tianshi usually added Schisandrae chinensis fructus, cinnamomi cortex, ostreae concha,achyranthis bidentatae radix, aconite lateralis radix praeparata, plantaginis semen, dendrobii caulis.[Conclusion]With the aim of finding out the origin of a disease and preserving essence, YE Tianshi used Chinese herbs of nourishing kidney-Yin correctly when applying Liuwei Dihuang Pills without reducing intestinal motility. Implementing the idea of treating different diseases with the same treatment and attaching importance to the balance of water and fire, YE Tianshi was good at using Liuwei Dihuang Pills to coordinate Yin and Yang of human body. The characteristics and clinical experience of his medication have great enlightenment to medication nowadays.
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