An Analysis of the Meaning of "Luo" and Its Phrases in Huangdi Neijing
中文关键词: 黄帝内经  络病  络脉  训诂  语言学
英文关键词: Huangdi Neijing  collateral disease  venation  exegesis  linguistics
黄盈婷 首都医科大学中医药学院 北京 100069  
李博群 首都医科大学中医药学院 北京 100069  
刘二丽 首都医科大学中医药学院 北京 100069  
王文娟 首都医科大学中医药学院 北京 100069  
章红英 首都医科大学中医药学院 北京 100069 zhongyi@ccmu.cn 
肖航 教育部语言文字应用研究所 exiaohang@sina.com 
摘要点击次数: 2733
全文下载次数: 1170
      [Objective] To find out the connotation of collaterals and collaterals diseases in Huangdi Neijing, the paper systematically arranges collaterals and their phrase meanings.[Method] This paper uses electronic texts to extract the contents containing the word "collateral" in Huangdi Neijing, classifies "collateral" and its related phrases in combination with annotations by annotators, and summarized the meaning of "collateral" and its phrases in Huangdi Neijing from the aspects of part of speech, meaning and medical theory. [Results] There are 40 chapters containing the word "Luo" in Suwen, 170 times in total. There are 39 chapters containing the word "Luo" in Lingshu, 161 times in total, 331 times in all. "Luo" appeares 80 times in monosyllabic words. According to the meaning of the phrase, it can be divided into four categories: Anatomy, physiology, pathology and others.[Conclusion]It is found that the frequency of "collateral" in the form of monosyllabic words is relatively low. The part of speech is a noun or a verb, and the meaning of the word usually expresses the meaning of collateral or liaison. "Luo" appears more frequently in the form of phrases, the part of speech is a noun. "Collateral" refers to the tiny blood mansion in Huangdi Neijing. Although it only mentions the word "collateral disease" once, its etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment are discussed in detail, which is the source of the understanding of collateral disease.
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