The Origin and Development of Culture of Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Preservation
中文关键词: 中药养生  中医药文献  养生文化  历史溯源  发展脉络
英文关键词: traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) health preservation  traditional Chinese medicine literature  culture of health preservation  tracing the historical source  development process
吴承艳 南京中医药大学 南京 210023  
任威铭 南京中医药大学 南京 210023  
陈涤平 南京中医药大学 南京 210023 1647691110@qq.com 
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      [目的] 系统梳理中药养生文化的历史源流与发展脉络。[方法]利用文献学研究方法结合数据统计,通过对中药养生文献进行系统整理、归纳,阐述中药养生文化的历史源流与发展脉络。[结果]中药养生文化根植于中国传统文化,其源流与发展萌芽于先秦,初成于秦汉,丰富于晋唐,渐趋完善于宋金元,鼎盛于明清,于近现代进入改革和创新时期。中药养生思想在先秦两汉时期初用于临床,开中药养生文化之先河;魏晋至隋唐时期,佛道及民间各流派的养生理论和经验使其内容进一步充实;宋金元时期其呈现出百家争鸣的繁盛景象;明清时期医家不仅整理、继承前代既有成果,更形成众多独特理论;现其已成为中医药养生保健服务中的重要部分。[结论]各时期的中药养生文化丰富和完善了中医养生学,为中医药养生文化事业作出了重大贡献。
      [Objective]To expound the histories and developments of culture of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) health preservation. [Methods]Using the literature research methods combined with data statistics, through collation and induction of the TCM health literature system, the histories and developments of culture of TCM health preservation were expounded.[Results] The culture of TCM health preservation is rooted in the traditional Chinese culture. Its origin and developments originated in the pre-Qin Dynasty, and was initially formed in the Qin and Han Dynasties. It was enriched in the Jin and Tang Dynasties, gradually improved in the Song, Jin and Yuan Dynasties, and flourished in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and entered the period of reform and innovation in modern times. In the pre-Qin and Han Dynasties, TCM health preservation thoughts were first used in clinical practice and opened the precedent of culture of TCM health preservation. From Wei and Jin Dynasties to Sui and Tang Dynasties, Buddhist and various folk sects’ theories and experience enriched it. A hundred sects of thoughts flourished in the period of Song, Jin and Yuan Dynasties. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the doctors not only finished and inherited the achievements of the previous generation, but also formed many unique theories. Modern culture of TCM health preservation has become an important part of TCM health preservation services.[Conclusion]The culture of TCM health preservation in different periods enriched and improved the contents of TCM health culture, and made great contributions to the culture of TCM health preservation.
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