TAN Yong's Experiences in the Treatment of Luteal Phase Defect Recurrent Abortion
中文关键词: 黄体功能不全  复发性流产  滋阴补阳  辨证论治  中西医结合  名医经验  医案  谈勇
英文关键词: luteal phase defect  recurrent abortion  nourishing Yin and tonifying Yang  treatment based on syndrome differentiation  combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine  celebrated doctor's experience  medical cases  TAN Yong
李敬 南京中医药大学 南京 210029  
谈勇 南京中医药大学 南京 210029 tanmen156@163.com 
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      [目的]介绍导师谈勇教授治疗黄体功能不全(luteal phase defect,LPD)性复发性流产的经验,为临床相关研究提供更多参考。[方法]通过门诊跟师抄方,整理分析临床病例资料,从病因病机及选方用药等方面阐述谈勇教授的临床经验,总结其治疗LPD性复发性流产的学术观点,并列举病案一例加以佐证。[结果]谈勇教授认为LPD病机以肾虚为主,同时涉及心肝脾,病理因素可见气滞、血瘀、痰湿,导致阴阳气血失衡,而发本病。临床上本病以肾阴虚、肾阳虚为本,兼见肝气郁结、脾阳不足、心火旺盛及痰湿瘀阻证,以本虚标实多见,故治疗以补肾为主,佐以疏肝、健脾、宁心、化痰、祛瘀等法。本案患者辨为肾阳虚证,治疗上主要运用滋阴补阳方序贯治疗,黄体期温补肾阳,卵泡期滋补肾阴,在此基础上兼顾疏肝健脾宁心,同时联合西药治疗,配合心理及饮食方面的指导,使阴阳平衡,最终成功妊娠并足月分娩,充分应证了上述辨证思路及治疗经验。[结论]谈勇教授以滋阴补阳方序贯治疗LPD性复发性流产疗效显著,可显著提高临床妊娠率,为临床治疗此病提供了新思路,值得学习和推广。
      [Objective]To introduce Professor TAN Yong's experience in treating luteal phase defect(LPD) recurrent abortion, and provide more references for clinical studies.[Methods]Through collecting prescriptions in the outpatient department, sorting out and analyzing clinical case data, Professor TAN Yong's clinical experience was elaborated from the aspects of etiology, pathogenesis and drug selection, her academic views on the treatment of LPD recurrent abortion were summarized, and a case was presented as proof.[Results]Professor TAN believes that the pathogenesis of LPD recurrent abortion is mostly due to deficiency of the kidney, involving the heart, liver and spleen, combined with pathological factors such as Qi stagnation, blood stasis, and phlegm dampness, leading to the imbalance of Yin and Yang, Qi and blood. In clinical practice,LPD recurrent abortion is based on deficiency of kidney Yin and kidney Yang, combined with stagnation of liver Qi, deficiency of spleen Yang, heart-fire hyperactivity, phlegm dampness and blood stasis, deficiency in origin and excess in superficislity is more common. In the treatment, tonifying kidney is the main method, supplemented with soothing the liver, strengthening the spleen, tranquilizing the heart, removing phlegm and blood stasis or other methods. In the case, the patient was differentiated as deficiency of kidney Yang, and the sequential therapy of nourishing Yin and tonifying Yang prescription was mainly used, including tonifying the kidney Yang at the luteal phase and nourishing kidney Yin at the follicular phase, combined with soothing the liver, strengthening the spleen and tranquilizing the heart. At the same time, western medicine treatment, psychological and dietary guidance was also applied to balance Yin and Yang, and the patient finally achieved successful pregnancy and full-term delivery, which fully proved the above dialectical thinking and treatment experience.[Conclusion]Professor TAN's sequential therapy of nourishing Yin and tonifying Yang prescription has a remarkable effect in the treatment of LPD recurrent abortion, which can significantly improve the clinical pregnancy rate and provide a new idea for the clinical treatment of this disease, which is worth learning and popularizing.
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