Exploration Medication Rule of SONG Kang Applying Traditional Chinese Medicine to Assist Gefitinib in Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment of Lung Adenocarcinoma Based on R Language
中文关键词: 肺腺癌  吉非替尼  R语言  数据挖掘  宋康  中医药  用药规律  名医经验
英文关键词: lung adenocarcinoma  Gefitinib  R language  data mining  SONG Kang  traditional Chinese medicine  medication rule  famous doctor's experience
潘俊杰 杭州市中医院丁桥院区杭州 310021  
朱黎红 杭州市中医院  
宋康 浙江省中医院  
杨宏宽 高州市人民医院  
楼雅芳 杭州市中医院 louyafang18@126.com 
石亚杰 杭州市中医院  
管彩虹 杭州市中医院  
摘要点击次数: 2568
全文下载次数: 1015
      [目的]探索宋康教授运用中药辅助吉非替尼辨治肺腺癌的用药规律。[方法]将1246份宋康教授运用中药辅助吉非替尼辨治肺腺癌的中药处方录入Excel 2010建立处方数据库,采用R Language和R studio对处方进行数据挖掘、频数法分析高频药物分布、Gap Statistic法计算最优聚类数,K均值聚类算法进行聚类分析并可视化、因子分析法提取处方公因子、Apriori法分析药对与不良反应间关联度并用Matrix-Bubble可视化,总结宋康教授运用中药辅助吉非替尼辨治肺腺癌的用药规律。[结果]宋康教授运用中药辅助吉非替尼辨治肺腺癌的第一梯队药物1组:半枝莲、半边莲、白花蛇舌草、穿山甲、白毛藤、龙葵、浙贝母、薏苡仁、鱼腥草;第二梯队1组:前胡、炒苏子、枇杷叶、桔梗、射干、炒白术、茯苓、陈皮、太子参。前胡、炒苏子等11种聚类组合,半枝莲-半边莲-白花蛇舌草等13组公因子,太子参-枇杷叶等9组药对缓解吉非替尼不良反应。[结论]宋康教授运用中药辅助吉非替尼治疗肺腺癌,体现了祛邪-扶正-兼顾不良反应的思想,辨病-辨证-辨症相结合,疗效肯定,值得临床推广与应用。
      [Objective] To explore the medication rule of SONG Kang applying traditional Chinese medicine to assist Gefitinib in syndrome differentiation and treatment of lung adenocarcinoma. 1246 TCM prescriptions were input into Excel 2010 to establish the prescription database, and R Language and R studio conducted data mining for prescriptions. Frequency method was used to analyze the distribution of high-frequency drugs, Gap Statistic method was used to calculate the optimal cluster number, K mean cluster algorithm was used for cluster analysis and visualization, factor analysis was used to extract common factors of prescription, Apriori method was used to analyze the correlation between drug pairs and adverse reactions, and Matrix Bubble was used for visualization.[Result] The first tier of drugs for the treatment of lung adenocarcinoma was obtained: Sculellaria Barbata, Chinese Lobelia, Oldenlandia Diffusa, Manis Pentadactyla, Solanum Lyratum Thunb, Black Nightshade, Thunberg Fritillary Bulb, Coix Seed, Cordate Houttuynia; the second echelon of drugs: Common Hogfennel Root, Perillaseed, Folium Eriobotryae, Platycodon Grandiflorum, Blackberry Lily, White Atractylodes Rhizome, Poria Cocos, Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae and Radix Pseudostellariae. There were 11 cluster combinations,such as Radix Peucedani and roasted Perilla Seed, 13 common factors,such as Sculellaria Barbata, Chinese Lobelia and Oldenlandia Diffusa, and 9 pairs of drugs to relieve adverse reactions of Gefitinib,such as Radix Pseudostellariae and Folium Eriobotryae. SONG Kang's utilization of TCM assisting Gefitinib in the treatment of lung adenocarcinoma reflects the idea of eliminating pathogenic factors, strengthening the healthy Qi and coping with adverse reactions, and combination of disease differentiation, syndrome differentiation and symptom differentiation, which has a positive effect and is worthy of clinical promotion and application.
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