Study on the Changes of “Nine-steam-nine-bask” of Polygonatum Cyrtonema
中文关键词: 多花黄精  多糖  物理性状  5-羟甲基糠醛  九蒸九制  水提液  中药炮制
英文关键词: Polygonatum cyrtonema  polysaccharide  physical characters  5-hydroxymethyl furfuraldehyde  “nine-steam-nine-bask”  water extracts  preparation of TCM
马佳丽 浙江中医药大学药学院 杭州 310053  
蒋殷盈 浙江中医药大学药学院 杭州 310053  
蒋福升 浙江中医药大学生命科学院  
李石清 浙江中医药大学药学院 杭州 310053  
张婷 浙江中医药大学医学技术学院  
袁强 浙江中医药大学药学院 杭州 310053  
张春椿 浙江中医药大学药学院 杭州 310053 zhangchun200123@163.com 
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      [目的]探究多花黄精炮制过程中成分的变化规律,以此考证九蒸九制的炮制机理和意义,为黄精九蒸九制的优化提供理论依据。[方法]观察检测九蒸九制多花黄精每次蒸制过程中外观、气味、水提液pH、干物质体质量,采用紫外可见分光光度法和高效液相色谱法分析其多糖含量变化及炮制后新产生的5-羟甲基糠醛(5-hydroxymethyl furfuraldehyde,5-HMF)含量的变化趋势。[结果]批次PCH1至PCH9外观从浅黄至乌黑;气味从微香到浓香;水提液pH依次为5.81、5.40、4.83、4.65、4.64、3.97、3.82、3.79、3.72;干物质体质量依次为5.76、3.22、2.95、1.30、2.42、2.99、2.98、3.51、3.05g;多糖含量依次为11.60%、6.98%、2.99%、3.04%、3.87%、3.40%、2.96%、3.34%、3.99%;5-羟甲基糠醛含量分别为0.00619、0.00714、0.00964、0.0180、0.0602、0.109、0.205、0.214、0.277 mg·g-1。[结论]随着多花黄精蒸制次数增多,其外观颜色会由浅转深,气味转为香甜醇厚;干物质体质量呈先下降后平缓趋势;多糖含量呈先上升后下降趋势;5-HMF含量呈上升趋势。
      [Objective] To provide a theoretical basis for the optimization of “nine-steam-nine-bask” of Polygonatum cyrtonema, the changes rule of components in the processing were studied. The appearance, odor, pH of the aqueous extract and dry matter weight were observed and detected during the steaming process of “nine-steam-nine-bask” of Polygonatum cyrtonema, the changes of polysaccharide contents were analyzed by UV-VIS spectrophotometry and the 5-HMF contents produced after processing were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography.[Results] The appearance of PCH1 to PCH9 ranges from light yellow to dark black; the odor ranges from slight fragrance to strong fragrance; the pH of the aqueous extract was 5.81,5.40,4.83,4.65,4.64,3.97,3.82,3.79,3.72g; the contents of polysaccharide were 11.60%, 6.98%, 2.99%, 3.04%, 3.87%, 3.40%, 2.96%, 3.34%, 3.99%; the contents of 5-Hydroxymethyl were 0.00619, 0.00714, 0.00964, 0.0180, 0.0602, 0.109, 0.205, 0.214, 0.277 mg·g-1. With the increase of steaming times of Polygonatum cyrtonema, its appearance color changes from light to deep, and its smell changes to sweet and mellow. The quantity of dry matter decreases first and then a gentle trend; the polysaccharide content increases first and then declines; the content of 5-hydroxymethyl furfuraldehyde increases during the process.
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