Discussion on the Physiological Phenomenon and Mechanism of Sleep and Wakefulness Based on “The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Medicine”
中文关键词: 黄帝内经  寤寐  睡眠  生理现象  生理机制  阴阳消长  卫气运行  卫气-寤寐节律系统
英文关键词: The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Medicine  sleep and wakefulness  sleep  physiological phenomenon  physiological mechanism  waxing and waning of Yin and Yang  movement of defensive Qi  defensive Qi-sleep rhythm system
陈天玺 黑龙江中医药大学  哈尔滨150040  
汤军 浙江中医药大学附属第一医院  杭州  310006  
李俊伟 浙江中医药大学 lijunwei@zcmu.edu.cn 
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全文下载次数: 1917
      [目的]研究寤寐之生理现象,阐发其生理机制,为不寐的临床研究提供理论依据。[方法]以《黄帝内经》的阴阳学说、营卫生会学说立论,深入探讨寤寐现象与生理机制,并以此为据,对下一步不寐病因病机之研究提出展望。[结果]睡眠(寐)是一个阴消阳长的过程,可看作非快速眼球运动(non-rapid eye movement,NREM)睡眠和快速眼球运动(rapid eye movement,REM)睡眠之消长。本研究首次提出“卫气-寤寐节律系统”这一概念,该系统以卫气为主体,由六阳经、足少阴肾经、二跷脉、五脏、目等共同构成,其功能相当于西医学促睡眠、促觉醒两大系统的对立统一;寤寐与情志、五脏关系密切,心之功能包含现代医学脑之功能;寤寐过程中伴随的生理现象包括目之开合、欠、梦与梦魇等,其机制亦不离营卫阴阳。[结论]卫气-寤寐节律系统对寤寐起主导作用,本研究结果对不寐等睡眠相关疾病的基础与临床研究大有裨益。
      [Objective] To study the physiological phenomenon of sleep and wakefulness, elucidate its physiological mechanism, and provide theoretical basis for clinical research of insomnia.[Methods] From the theory of Yin and Yang and the theory of nutrient Qi and defensive Qi in “The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Medicine”, the physiological phenomenon and mechanism of sleep and wakefulness were deeply discussed. In addition, based on the research, the next study of etiology and pathogenesis of insomnia was prospected. [Results] Sleep is a process of waxing and waning of Yin and Yang, which can be regarded as the variation of time in non-rapid eye movement(NREM) sleep and rapid eye movement(REM) sleep. The concept of “defensive Qi-sleep rhythm system” was first put forward. The system, with defensive Qi as the main body, is composed of six Yang meridians, kidney meridian, two Qiao meridians, five viscera and eyes, which is the unity of two opposite systems in western medicine, respectively called sleep-inducing system and arousal system. Sleep and wakefulness are closely related to emotion and five viscera. The function of the heart includes the function of the brain in modern medicine. The physiological phenomena that accompany the sleep include the opening and closing of the eyes, yawns, dreams and nightmares, etc. Their mechanisms can also be explained by the theory of Yin and Yang and the theory of nutrient Qi and defensive Qi.[Conclusion] Defensive Qi-sleep rhythm system plays a leading role in sleep and wakefulness, and the results of this research are of great benefit to the basic and clinical research of sleep-related diseases such as insomnia.
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