Analysis of Syndrome and Treatment of Wuzhuyu Decoction
中文关键词: 吴茱萸汤  温中下气止痛  补虚益气化痰  伤寒论  金匮要略  脉经
英文关键词: Wuzhuyi decoction  warming the middle-Jiao, descending Qi and relieving pain  nourishing deficiency, replenishing Qi and resolving phlegm  Treatise on Febrile Diseases  Synopsis of Prescriptions from the Golden Chamber  Pulse Classic
徐凤凯 上海中医药大学 上海 201203  
陈晓 上海中医药大学 上海 201203 121@126.com 
摘要点击次数: 2632
全文下载次数: 2229
      [Objective] To analyze the characteristics analysis for the patterns and application of Wuzhuyu decoction. [Methods]With such methods of deeply probing into the causes of the disease, analyzing the composition of the prescription and expounding on the functions of the herbs in the light of the original clauses of “Treatise on Febrile Diseases” “Synopsis of Prescriptions from the Golden Chamber” and “Pulse Classic”.Analyzing the relevant provisions of Wuzhuyu decoction, the pathogenesis of disease, prescription explanation and combination of syndrome and treatment, and it gives one case as example.[Results] The Wuzhuyi decoction is commonly used to treat diseases of the Taiyin channel, Shaoyin channel and Jueyin channel. It can remove the phlegm and fluid in the exterior and interior, dispel water Qi in the tri-Jiao, warm the interior, descend Qi, relieve pain, nourish deficiency, replenish Qi, resolve phlegm, expel wind, open the sweat pores, eliminate cold retention and benefit the five viscera, clinically applied to treat indigestion, vomiting when drinking, acid regurgitation, headache, rib side distension, cold stomach, abdominal pain, chest fullness, diarrhea, cold feet and hands, as well as feeble, stringy and retarded pulse. [Conclusion]Wuzhuyi decoction is a common prescription in clinical practice, which can be used to treat Sanyin disease and tri-Jiao disease. It can also be used in the treatment of abdominal coldness hernia, chest numbness and heart pain, Qi upwardness disease, asthenia and accumulation disease according to the different parts of phlegm and drinking water accumulation and the degree of deficiency of Qi, blood and body fluid.
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