Analysis on the Properties of “Light Body” Herbs in “Shennong‘s Classic of the Materia Medica”
中文关键词: 神农本草经  轻身药  老年病  三品分类法  性味  气机  减肥  养生保健
英文关键词: Shennong‘s Classic of the Materia Medica  “light body” herbs  geriatric diseases  three-level classification  nature and flavor  Qi activity  reduce weight  health care
段雷 安徽中医药大学中医学院 合肥 230038  
于璐 安徽中医药大学中医学院 合肥 230038  
胡文彬 安徽中医药大学神经病学研究所附属医院 hwbzhx@163.com 
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      [目的]对《神农本草经》中的“轻身”药特色进行探析。[方法]运用文献分析法对《神农本草经》“轻身”药进行研究。采用Excel 2010软件建立数据库,按照药物名称、品类、气味和“轻身”功效纳入符合条件的药物,运用描述性统计法对数据进行分析,并从性、味和功效方面对“轻身”药特色进行研究讨论。[结果]《神农本草经》共记载132味具有“轻身”功效的药物,有性平药物59味,味甘药物55味、味苦药物39味、味辛药物27味,适合长期调理。功效可分为12类,频次居于前5的依次为轻身类(35味)、轻身延(增、长)年类(23味)、轻身不老类(19味)、轻身耐老类(18味)、益气轻身类(12味),具有祛湿、活血、补气、安神等多种功效,涵盖了现代意义上的减肥。[结论]“轻身”药的共同特点是能使人感到轻健有力,能缓调阴阳,又可调和脾胃,并且通畅全身气机。或以纠偏达到阴平阳秘,或可通畅人身气机,或可帮助强悍身体。不仅可补益,亦可祛邪,使人身体轻健,反应敏捷,从而起到抗衰老、延年益寿的作用。对于“轻身”药的研究,将有利于推动中药和中医养生保健的进一步发展。
      [Objective] To analyze the properties of “light body” herbs in “Shennong‘s Classic of the Materia Medica”. [Methods] Literature analysis was used to study the herbal medicines of reducing weight in Shennong's Materia Medica. The database was established by Excel 2010 software. The eligible herbal medicines were included according to the name, category, odor and efficacy. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, and the characteristics of "Qingshen(light body)" herbal medicines from the aspects of performance, odor and efficacy were discussed. [Results] Shennong's Materia Medica records 132 herbal medicines with the effect of "Qingshen" totally, including 59 herbal medicines with mild nature, 55 herbal medicines with pleasant taste, 39 herbal medicines with bitter taste, and 27 herbal medicines with pungent taste, which were suitable for long-term conditioning. The efficacy could be divided into 12 categories, with the top five ranked in descending order as light weight (35 kinds), light weight prolonging (increasing and prolonging) year (23 kinds), light weight not aging (19 kinds), light weight resisting aging (18 kinds) and replenishing Qi light weight (12 kinds), which had multiple effects of eliminating dampness, activating blood, replenishing Qi, tranquilizing mind and so on, covering the modern sense of weight loss.[Conclusion] The common characteristics of "Qingshen" herbal medicines are that they can make people feel light, healthy and strong, slow the adjustment of Yin and Yang, adjust the spleen and stomach, and smooth Qi movement of the whole body. It can correct the deviation to achieve the secret of Yin and Yang, smooth the Qi movement of the body, and help the body become strong. It can not only invigorate, but also eliminate pathogenic factors, making the body light, healthy and responsive, therefore playing a role in anti-aging and prolonging life. To study the "Qingshen" medicines will benefit promoting further development of TCM health care.
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