陈静,李岚.基于数据挖掘探讨《景岳全书·小儿则古方》用药规律[J].浙江中医药大学学报,2021,45(10):1098-1103, 1106.
Study and Analysis on the Medication Rules of “Jingyue's Complete Works·Children's Ancient Prescription”
中文关键词: 小儿则古方  张景岳  数据挖掘  用药规律  儿科  学术思想  中医文献
英文关键词: Children's Ancient Prescription  ZHANG Jingyue  data mining  medication rules  pediatrics  academic thought  literature of traditional Chinese medicine
陈静 浙江中医药大学第一临床医学院 杭州 310053  
李岚 浙江中医药大学第一临床医学院 杭州 310053
摘要点击次数: 1531
全文下载次数: 908
      [目的]挖掘分析《景岳全书·小儿则古方》中的临床用药规律,总结验证张景岳的儿科学术思想。[方法]选择《景岳全书·小儿则古方》中小儿内服方作为研究对象,根据纳入及规范标准建立数据库,利用Microsoft Excel 2016、SPSS Modeler 18.0、SPSS Statistics 25.0等软件进行药物使用频次及其性味归经频次频率分析、药物关联分析和高频药物因子分析。[结果]筛选出中药内用方168首,涉及中药163味,其中使用频次>10次的高频中药共24味;内服方药归经以脾胃经最多,药味多辛、甘、淡,药性温热之数超于寒凉之数;关联分析得关联图粗线、细线链接共9条,如“甘草-人参”“茯苓-甘草”“茯苓-人参”等,Apriori算法则提示药组关联规则10个,如“白术-甘草”“白术-茯苓-甘草”“白术-茯苓”等;因子分析得方剂组件9个,涉及平肝熄风、和胃消食、理气健脾、温肺化饮等方剂。[结论]《景岳全书·小儿则古方》用药规律展现了张景岳治疗儿科疾病重视顾护阳气、补益脾胃、辨治脏腑、虚实有数等学术思想。
      [Objective] To excavate and analyze the medication rules of pediatric clinic in “Jingyue's Complete Works·Children's Ancient Prescription” and verify and summarize ZHANG Jingyue's academic thoughts on pediatrics. [Methods] Internal prescriptions for children in “Jingyue's Complete Works·Children's Ancient Prescription” were selected as the research object, the database was established according to inclusion and specification standards, and the softwares such as Microsoft Excel 2016, SPSS Modeler 18.0 and SPSS Statistics 25.0 were used to conduct frequency analysis of herb use and the property, flavor and meridian distribution of herbs, association analysis among herbs, factor analysis of high-frequency herbs. [Results] A total of 168 traditional Chinese medical(TCM) prescriptions were screened out, involving 163 Chinese herbs. Frequency analysis showed that there were 24 high-frequency(>10 times) Chinese herbs, most of the herbs belonged to the spleen and stomach meridian. The flavors were mainly spicy, sweet and mild, and the properties were partial to warm, hot and gentle. According to the correlation analysis, there were 9 thick and thin lines in the correlation graph, such as “Glycyrrhiza uralensis-Panax ginseng” “Wolfiporia cocos-Glycyrrhiza uralensis” “Wolfiporia cocos-Panax ginseng”, and so on, while Apriori algorithm suggested 10 association rules about the herb group, like “Atractylodes macrocephala-Glycyrrhiza uralensis” “Atractylodes macrocephala-Wolfiporia cocos-Glycyrrhiza uralensis” “Atractylodes macrocephala-Wolfiporia cocos”,etc. Nine prescription components were obtained by factor analysis, which involved such agents as calming the liver and dispelling wind, harmonizing the stomach and promoting digestion, regulating Qi and strengthening the spleen, and warming the lung to reduce watery phlegm. [Conclusion] The medication rules of Jingyue's Complete Work-Children's Ancient Prescription reveal the academic thoughts of Jingyue in treating pediatric diseases, such as attaching great importance to the protection of Yang Qi, strengthening the spleen and stomach, identifying and treating viscera, keeping in mind of deficiency and excess.
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