Research on Chinese Herbal of Qi-transformation Theory of Qiantang Medical School
中文关键词: 钱塘医派  本草气化学说  黄帝内经  五运六气  司天备药  药性  张志聪
英文关键词: Qiantang medical school  Chinese Herbal Qi-transformation theory  Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor  five movements and six Qi  preparing herbs according to the time  herbal properties  ZHANG Zhicong
雷佳楠 浙江中医药大学基础医学院 杭州 310053 
徐光星 浙江中医药大学基础医学院 杭州 310053 
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全文下载次数: 760
      [目的] 探讨以运气学理论阐发中药药性的钱塘医派本草气化学说。[方法] 通过研读《本草乘雅半偈》《本草崇原》《侣山堂类辨》和《医学真传》等著作,查阅研究钱塘医派本草理论相关文献,参考时代学术背景等影响因素,对本草气化学说内容进行整理论述,探讨各医家的传承,并列举医案以证临床验效。[结果] 钱塘医派对本草气化学说研究大体基于《黄帝内经》(以下简称《内经》)五运六气思想,各医家主要通过对《神农本草经》的注释发挥,从而创立本草气化学说。其核心内容是通过辨本草生时、形态以及色味,以格物之法推药物禀气,以原药性。以本草生时与禀气相关为线索,引出《内经》“司天备药”以及药物“以偏纠偏”发挥药效等理论,完善本草学研究体系,并影响了如陈修园、唐容川等医家的本草研究方向。所举医案系运用本草气化学说治疗小儿痘疹,进一步验证了该学说在临床应用中的可行性。[结论] 钱塘医派各医家不断探索,进而创立本草气化学说,虽然从现代科学认识角度来看,其正确性还有待研究,但是以当时的社会发展以及认知背景来讲,钱塘医派本草气化学说的形成,对于本草学的发展作出了一定的贡献,学者应以发展的眼光来看待。
      [Objective] To explore the Chinese herbal Qi-transformation theory of Qiantang medical school. [Methods] Through studying works such as Bencao Chengya Banjie, Bencao Chongyuan, Lyushantang Leibian and Medical Zhenzhuan, checking the relevant literatures on Qiantang medical school‘s herbal theory, and referring to the academic background of the times, this paper collated and discussed the contents of Chinese herbal of Qi-transformation, explored the inheritance of physicians, and enumerated medical record to prove the clinical effect of the theory. [Results] The research on the Chinese herbal of Qi-transformation theory by Qiantang medical school was generally based on the thought of five elements and six Qi in the Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor, doctors mainly annotated Shennong‘s Herbal Classic, and formed the Chinese herbal of Qi-transformation theory. Its core content was to distinguish the birth time, shape, color and taste of Chinese herb, push the intrinsic Qi of herbs and reduced the herbal property by the method of studying phenomena to acquire knowledge. Taking the correlation between the birth time of Chinese herbs and its intrinsic Qi as the clue, this paper led to the theories of “preparing herbs according to the time” in the Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor and “correcting deviation by deviation” to exert its efficacy, which improved the research system of Materia Medica and affected the research direction of herbalism of doctors such as CHEN Xiuyuan and TANG Rongchuan. At the same time, taking the application of herbal Qi-transformation theory in the treatment of infantile pox as an example, the feasibility of this theory in clinical application was verified. [Conclusion] The doctors of Qiantang medical school made continuous exploration and established the herbal Qi-transformation theory. Although its correctness needed to be studied from the perspective of modern scientific understanding, the formation of the herbal Qi-transformation theory of Qiantang medical school made a certain contribution to the research and development of Materia Medica in terms of social development and cognitive background at that time, and scholars should take into account from the perspective of development.
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