Brief Introduction of Professor CHENG Weiping‘s Understanding in Acupoint Attribute and Clinical Applications Experience of Dachangshu
中文关键词: 大肠俞  穴性  脑系疾病  临床应用  名医经验  医案  程为平
英文关键词: Dachangshu  acupoint attribute  cerebral disease  clinical application experience  famous doctor‘s experience  medical cases  CHENG Weiping
王雪晴 黑龙江中医药大学 哈尔滨 150040 
程光宇 黑龙江中医药大学附属第一医院 
程为平 黑龙江中医药大学附属第一医院 
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      [目的] 整理并探讨程为平教授对大肠俞穴性的认识及其临证应用经验。[方法] 阐述程老对大肠俞穴性的认识以及临证应用大肠俞之独特心得,并遴选四则病案,对程老针灸大肠俞治疗不同疾病之思辨过程、手法操作等进行分析解读,并结合笔者平素跟师体会略加评述。[结果] 程老创造性地总结出大肠俞的穴性:宁神醒脑、息风止泻、通腑导滞、强腰壮膝、司外揣内,提出大肠俞在临床中尤适于脑系疾病、肠腹疾病、肢体关节疾病的治疗;同时程老强调该穴治疗不同疾病时须配合相应针刺运动手法方可显效。程老在前人基础上扩大了大肠俞的应用范围,为临证开具针灸处方提供了新的思路。[结论] 大肠俞上能宁脑神、醒脑窍、息诸风,下能通肠腹、止泄泻、强腰膝,临床应用疗效良好,值得推广运用。
      [Objective] To organize and discuss Professor CHENG Weiping‘s understanding of acupoint attribute and clinical applications experience of Dachangshu. [Methods] This paper expounded Professor CHENG’s understanding of Dachangshu‘s acupoint attribute and his unique experience in the clinical application of Dachangshu, and selected four medical cases to analyze and interpret the ideological process and technique operation of Professor CHENG in treating multiple diseases, and made a brief comment combining with the authors‘ experience by following teachers in clinic. [Results] Professor CHENG creatively sums up the acupoint attribute of Dachangshu: Calming the spirit and awakening the mind, appeasing the wind and stopping the diarrhea, dredging viscera and resolving stagnation, strengthening the waist and knee, governing exterior to infer interior. Professor CHENG proposes that it is clinically suitable for the treatment of cerebral diseases, abdominal diseases and limb joint diseases; and emphasizes that while treating multiple diseases with Dachangshu, it should be cooperated with the treatment of motive acupuncture technique which could be effective. On the basis of predecessors, Professor CHENG expands the application range of Dachangshu and provides new ideas for issuing acupuncture prescriptions. [Conclusion] In the upper part of human body, Dachangshu is capable to calm the spirit of the brain, refresh the brain orifices, appease multiple kinds of wind, and it can dredge viscera, stop the diarrhea, strengthen the waist and knee in the lower part of human body, every time it is applied to the clinic, the effect is extremely immediate, which is worthy of clinical application.
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