Professor HAN Xu‘s Experience in Treating Vertigo after Stroke in the Elderly with Yuchun Powder
中文关键词: 玉春散  中风后眩晕  病因病机  家传方  临床经验  医案  韩旭
英文关键词: Yuchun Powder  vertigo after stroke  etiology and pathogenesis  family prescription  clinical experience  medical records  HAN Xu
华明铭 南京中医药大学第一临床医学院 南京 210004 
韩旭 南京中医药大学第一临床医学院 南京 210004 
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      [目的] 总结韩旭教授运用玉春散治疗老年气阴两虚型中风后眩晕的临证经验,提高中医药治疗老年中风后眩晕的临床疗效。[方法] 通过跟师侍诊、学习整理韩旭教授治疗老年中风后眩晕的医案,从病因病机、临证拟方及配伍加减等方面探究韩旭教授运用玉春散治疗老年气阴两虚型中风后眩晕的临证经验,同时以一则验案加以佐证。[结果] 韩旭教授认为老年气阴两虚型中风后眩晕的病因病机多以肝脾肾三脏不足为本,气阴两虚、痰瘀互结为标,故从益气养阴、化痰祛瘀着手,以家传方玉春散随证化裁治疗。验案为典型气阴两虚型中风后眩晕的患者,以益气养阴、化痰祛瘀为主要治则,以玉春散治疗后,眩晕未再反复。[结论] 韩师从气阴两虚、痰瘀交阻的基本病机出发,运用玉春散治疗老年中风后眩晕,可有效改善患者临床症状,临床疗效肯定,值得推广。
      [Objective] To summarize the clinical experience of Professor HAN Xu in using Yuchun Powder to treat vertigo after stroke with deficiency of both Qi and Yin in the elderly, and improve the clinical effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) in treating vertigo after stroke in the elderly. [Methods] By attending clinical work, studying and sorting out the medical records of Professor HAN in the treatment of vertigo after stroke in the elderly, the use of Yuchun Powder in the treatment of vertigo after stroke with deficiency of both Qi and Yin in the elderly was explored from the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical prescriptions, and compatibility additions and subtractions, and a case was used to support. [Results] Professor HAN Xu believes that the etiology and pathogenesis of vertigo after stroke with deficiency of both Qi and Yin in the elderly are mostly based on the deficiency of the liver, spleen and kidney, and the deficiency of both Qi and Yin, and the mutual accumulation of phlegm and blood stasis as the superficial. To supplement Qi and nourish Yin, resolve phlegm and remove blood stasis, the family prescription Yuchun Powder is used to follow the syndrome to treat vertigo after stroke in the elderly. The verified case was of vertigo after stroke with deficiency of both Qi and Yin, and supplementing Qi and nourishing Yin, resolving phlegm and removing blood stasis were adopted as the main treatment principles. After treatment with Yuchun Powder, the dizziness didn‘t recur. [Conclusion] Focusing on the basic pathogenesis of deficiency of both Qi and Yin, and the mutual accumulation of phlegm and blood stasis, Professor HAN treats vertigo after stroke in the elderly with Yuchun Powder, which can relieve the clinical symptoms. The curative effect is remarkable and worth popularizing.
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