Discussion on Taiyin Apoplexy Resulting to Blood Arthralgia Theory in Treatment of Essential Tremor
中文关键词: 特发性震颤  中医  血痹  太阴病  太阴中风  桂枝汤  解表散寒  养血和营
英文关键词: essential tremor  traditional Chinese medicine  blood arthralgia  Taiyin disease  Taiyin apoplexy  Guizhi Decoction  relieving exterior and dispersing cold  nourishing blood and harmonizing nutrients
金晨露 浙江中医药大学第二临床医学院 杭州 310053 
沈悦倩 浙江中医药大学第二临床医学院 杭州 310053 
周天梅 浙江省立同德医院 
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      [目的] 总结从太阴中风病传血痹论治特发性震颤(essential tremor,ET)的诊疗思路。[方法] 通过整理搜集文献、跟师临证,搜集临证验案及观察疗效,总结从太阴中风病传血痹论治ET的辨证思路、治则治法,并附验案佐证疗效。[结果] ET属中医“颤病”范畴,其病因不外“风”与“虚”。周天梅主任认为,血痹病的病机与ET病机高度重合,为太阴中风,津亏血弱,虚邪内中,水饮内停,临证以解表散寒、养血和营为法,以桂枝汤为主方,在辨证论治基础上,灵活应用药物加减治疗。对营血亏虚者,常用濡养津血之药补养气血;对阳明里热者,投以清热生津、顾护津液之药;对水饮内停者,用淡渗除饮、泄越水气等法,临床疗效显著。[结论] 周师从太阴中风病传血痹治疗ET,其方药精简,疗效确切,加深了对ET病因病机与治法的认识,为临床治疗ET提供了新的思路。
      [Objective] To summarize the diagnosis and treatment of essential tremor (ET) based on Taiyin apoplexy resulting to blood arthralgia theory. [Methods] By collating and collecting literature, following up with clinical works, collecting clinical cases, and observing the curative effect, this paper summarized the thinking of differentiation and treatment principle in treating ET from Taiyin apoplexy results to blood arthralgia theory, and supported the curative effect with clinical cases. [Results] ET belongs to the category of “fibrillation disease” of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), its etiology is nothing more than “wind” and “virtual”, Director ZHOU Tianmei regards that the pathogenesis of blood arthralgia theory and the pathogenesis of ET is highly overlapping, which is Taiyin apoplexy, deficiency of body fluid and blood, insufficiency of the healthy Qi and invasion of pathogenic factors, retention of water, clinical therapeutic principle should be relieving exterior syndrome and dissipating cold, nourishing blood and harmonizing nutrients, and Guizhi Decoction should be chosen as the main prescription, and then, on the basis of syndrome differentiation, herbs addition and subtraction should be flexible applied in treatment. For those with deficiency of Ying and blood, the herbs of nourishing Qi and blood are commonly used. For those who have heat in Yangming, the herbs of clearing away heat, generating and preserving fluid are commonly used. For those who have retention of water, it has obvious clinical effect to use the methods of inducing diuresis with bland drug for regulation of water and draining excess water and Qi. [Conclusion] Director ZHOU treats ET from by Taiyin apoplexy resulting to blood arthralgia theory which has simplified prescriptions and accurate curative effect, deepens the thoughts of the etiology, pathogenesis and treatment of ET, and provides a new idea for the clinical treatment of ET.
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