Characteristic Acupuncture Manipulations of Acupuncture Experts of Zhejiang School in Modern Times
中文关键词: 浙派中医  针灸名家  针法  近现代  中医学术流派  针刺补泻  复式针法
英文关键词: Zhejiang school of Chinese medicine  famous acupuncture experts  acupuncture manipulation  modern times  academic schools of TCM  reinforcing and reducing in acupuncture therapy  comprehensive needling methods
廖彬珺 浙江中医药大学 杭州 310053 
马睿杰 浙江中医药大学第三临床医学院 
胡汉通 浙江中医药大学第三临床医学院 
方剑乔 浙江中医药大学 杭州 310053 
摘要点击次数: 2013
全文下载次数: 720
      [目的] 梳理总结近现代浙派针灸名家特色针法。[方法] 通过文献研究、影像音频考证、实地调查、电话信访等方法,了解近现代浙派针灸名家针法学术思想、操作方法、适应病症、代表医家,并进行分类阐述。 [结果] 浙派针灸医家针法的学术思想主要源自《内经》《难经》《针灸大成》的理论精髓。从特色进针法、对古代针法的继承发扬、近代创新复式针法、穴法和刺法特色结合运用、现代创新技术五方面分类汇总发现,浙江针灸医家针法多在《内经》补泻手法、《金针赋》复式手法,以及《灵枢》刺法的基础上传承创新,重视治神、得气、守气,治疗时偏爱调气多于调血。不同名家对传统针法亦有各自独见,一部分现代医家吸纳现代技术,自制针具,改良针法,丰富了临床诊疗特色。 [结论] 现代浙江针灸名家针法崇古纳今,守正创新,各有偏爱与所长,也存在对同种针法的不同见解与使用,其针法体悟与特色值得后辈学者学习借鉴。探究浙派医家针法特色有利于浙派针灸的学术传承与创新发展。
      [Objective] To sort out and summarize the characteristic acupuncture manipulations of acupuncture experts of Zhejiang school in modern times. [Methods] Through literature research, video and audio textual research, field survey, and telephone correspondence, the academic ideas, operation methods, indications of diseases, and representative medical doctors of manipulation of Zhejiang school of acupuncture and moxibustion in modern times were discovered, categorized and elaborated. [Results] The academic ideas of acupuncture experts' manipulation of Zhejiang school mainly originated from the theoretical essence of Neijing(The Inner Canon of Huangdi), Jinzhenfu(Ode to the Gold Needle), and Zhenjiu Dacheng(Great Compandium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion). Acupuncture manipulations were categorized and summarized by the characteristic methods of needle insertion, the inheritance and development of ancient acupuncture manipulations, the innovative comprehensive needling methods, combination of acupoints and acupuncture manipulations and the modern innovative technology. Zhejiang acupuncturists' acupuncture manipulation mostly inherited and innovated on the basis of reinforcing and reducing in acupuncture therapy of Neijing, comprehensive acupuncture manipulations of Jingzhenfu and acupuncture manipulations of Lingshu. Acupuncturists paid attention to spirit-regulation, acquiring and maintaining needling sensation, and preferred to regulating Qi more than blood when treating with acupuncture. A part of modern acupuncturists used modern technology to make new acupuncture tools, improve the needle method, and enrich the clinical treatment characteristics. [Conclusion] The acupuncture techniques of modern Zhejiang acupuncture experts are ancient, modern, and innovative, and each acupuncturist has their own strengths and preferences, as well as different opinions and uses of the same acupuncture manipulation, and their insights and experiences are worthwhile to learn from by later generations. It is beneficial to explore the characteristics of the acupuncture manipulation of the Zhejiang school for acupuncture academical inheritance and innovative development.
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