Professor SHAN Zhaowei's Clinical Experience in the Treatment of Diarrhea
中文关键词: 泄泻  湿邪  健脾化湿  轻清醇正  平淡和缓  孟河医家  单兆伟  名老中医经验
英文关键词: diarrhea  dampness pathogen  invigorate the spleen and dispel dampness  simple and pure  plain and gentle  Menghe doctors  SHAN Zhaowei  experience of famous traditional Chinese medicine doctor
杨通通 南京中医药大学附属医院 南京 210029 
徐艺 南京中医药大学附属医院 南京 210029 
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      [目的] 总结单兆伟教授治疗泄泻的临证经验。[方法] 通过跟师随诊,收集整理和记录分析单教授治疗泄泻的医案,总结单教授治疗泄泻的辨治思路,详细阐述单教授对该病的治验心得、常用药物及用药特色,并举验案加以分析。[结果] 单教授承孟河医派诊病疗疾宜“轻清醇正”之辨证精髓与用药主张,治泄多用健脾化湿、疏肝解郁、益气升阳、养阴生津、涩肠止泻、补益脾肾诸法,常用太子参与薏苡仁等对药,用药讲求甘淡和缓、轻清灵动。验案为脾虚湿困之久泄、缓泄,治以轻灵健脾化湿,后获良效。[结论] 单教授治泄以健脾化湿、疏肝解郁、益气升阳、养阴生津、涩肠止泻、补益脾肾诸法分而论之,药尚轻清醇正,治宗和缓,疗效确切,其经验值得继承发扬与推广应用。
      [Objective] To summarize the clinical experience of Professor SHAN Zhaowei in the treatment of diarrhea. [Methods] The medical records of Professor SHAN's treatment of diarrhea were collected, sorted out, recorded and analyzed, and the differentiation and treatment ideas of Professor SHAN in the treatment of diarrhea were summarized, and the experience, common drugs and drug characteristics were elaborated in detail. [Results] Professor SHAN inherits the essence of syndrome differentiation and drug use of “simple and pure” in treating diseases of Menghe medical school. To treat diarrhea, he uses several methods, such as invigorating the spleen and dispelling dampness, soothing the liver and relieving depression, nourishing Qi and promoting Yang, nourishing Yin and promoting fluid, constricting the intestine and stopping diarrhea, nourishing the spleen and kidney. He commonly uses drug pairs such as Radix Pseudostellariae and Semen Coicis, stressing on sweet and mild, gentle and light drug use. The case of diarrhea owing to spleen deficiency and dampness trapped for a long time was definitely cured with the treatment method of invigorating the spleen and dispelling dampness simply and plainly. [Conclusion] According to Professor SHAN’s methods of treating diarrhea, such as invigorating the spleen and dispelling dampness, soothing the liver and relieving depression, nourishing Qi and promoting Yang, nourishing Yin and promoting fluid, constricting the intestine and stopping diarrhea, nourishing the spleen and kidney, the medicine is simple and pure, plain and gentle, which is effective, and his experience is worth inheriting, developing and promoting application.
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