许慧洁,叶进.叶进教授辨治女童单纯乳房早发育经验撷萃[J].浙江中医药大学学报,2022,46(6):658-660, 664.
Clinical Experience of Professor YE Jin for Treatment of Premature Thelarche in Girls
中文关键词: 单纯乳房早发育  女童  中医药  名医经验  叶进  医案
英文关键词: premature thelarche  girls  traditional Chinese medicine  experience of famous doctor  YE Jin  medical cases
许慧洁 南京中医药大学附属医院 南京 210029 
叶进 南京中医药大学附属医院 南京 210029 
摘要点击次数: 1195
全文下载次数: 529
      [目的] 总结叶进教授辨治女童单纯乳房早发育的经验。[方法] 通过跟师临诊,整理分析医案,从病因病机、辨证治法、用药特色等方面阐述叶师的临床经验,总结其辨治女童单纯乳房早发育的学术观点,并附验案一则加以佐证。[结果] 叶师认为,女童单纯乳房早发育以阴阳失衡、相火妄动为其本,气滞痰凝、阻滞乳络为其标;辨证施治时需注重肝脾肾,重视治未病;临证时擅用祛痰药,并时时顾护脾胃。所举医案为女童单纯乳房早发育阴虚火旺证,治疗上以滋阴降火为基本大法,兼以疏肝理气、化痰散结,方选知柏地黄汤加减,并结合生活饮食调护,疗效显著。[结论] 叶师辨治女童单纯乳房早发育,紧扣病机,并结合儿童的体质特点,遣方用药具有个人特色,临床疗效显著,值得借鉴。
      [Objective] To summarize Professor YE Jin‘s experience in the diagnosis and treatment of premature thelarche in girls. [Methods] By following teachers‘ clinical work, sorting out and analyzing medical cases, this paper summarized Professor YE Jin‘s academic views on the diagnosis and treatment of premature thelarche in girls, and a case was presented as proof. [Results] Professor YE Jin believes that premature thelarche in girls is based on the imbalance of Yin and Yang, the vigorous movement of ministerial fire, with Qi stagnation and phlegm coagulation blocking the mammary collaterals as its surface. In syndrome differentiation and treatment, the liver, spleen and kidney and the prevention of disease should be emphasized. Professor YE is good at using expectorants and protecting the spleen and stomach. The medical case cited was premature thelarche in girls with the syndrome of Yin deficiency and fire flourishing. In the treatment, nourishing Yin and reducing fire was the basic method, as well as soothing the liver and regulating Qi, resolving phlegm and dispersing knot, added and subtracted Zhibai Dihuang decoction was adopted, combined with daily diet nursing, and the curative effect was remarkable. [Conclusion] Professor YE Jin treats premature thelarche in girls, closely following the pathogenesis, and combining with children‘s physical characteristics. The prescription has personal characteristics and remarkable clinical effect, which is worth learning.
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