Professor LI Zhuying‘s Experience in Treating Cough Variant Asthma with Five Visceral Syndrome Differentiation
中文关键词: 咳嗽变异性哮喘  五脏  中医药  医案  治疗经验  李竹英
英文关键词: cough variant asthma  five viscera  traditional Chinese medicine  medical case  treatment experience  LI Zhuying
王宁 黑龙江中医药大学 哈尔滨 150040 
李竹英 黑龙江中医药大学附属第一医院 
郅扶旻 黑龙江中医药大学附属第一医院 
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      [目的] 浅析李竹英教授从五脏辨治咳嗽变异性哮喘的临证经验。[方法] 通过跟师学习,结合查阅李教授临床治疗咳嗽变异性哮喘的病案以及相关文献,从中医病机要点、五脏辨证治疗方面分析、总结李教授运用中医药治疗本病的经验,并列举典型病案一则加以介绍。[结果] 李教授认为,临证治疗咳嗽变异性哮喘时既要宣肺止咳以治其标,更要综合辨证而知其源,将本病证候与五脏的生理病理相结合,通过辨五脏病机而论治,如肺之风邪治以祛风宣肺止咳,脾之痰饮治以健脾燥湿化痰,肾之虚损治以补肾益肺止咳,肝之气火治以疏肝理气、清泻肝火,心之火瘀治以清心宁神通络。选方用药方面,李教授常以止嗽散、六君子汤、补肺汤、七味都气丸、四逆散、柴胡加龙骨牡蛎汤、导赤散等为主方加减化裁。所举病案,李教授辨为咳嗽风寒证,宜从肺之风邪论治,治以祛风宣肺、散寒止咳,方用止嗽散合桂枝加厚朴杏子汤随证加减。[结论] 李教授临证时谨守病机,从五脏辨治咳嗽变异性哮喘,临床疗效显著,其经验可供临床参考。
      [Objective] To analyze Professor LI Zhuying‘s experience of treating cough variant asthma(CVA). [Methods] By learning from the teacher, consulting Professor LI Zhuying‘s clinical cases of CVA and literature, this paper analyzed and summarized Professor LI‘s experience of using traditional Chinese medicine in treating CVA from the points of pathogenesis and treatment of five visceral syndrome differentiations, and introduced one typical case. [Results] Professor LI thinks that the treatment of CVA should diffuse the lung to suppress cough to treat the symptoms, and know the root with more comprehensive syndrome differentiation, combine the syndrome and the physiology and pathology of five viscera by five visceral syndrome differentiation, such as wind pathogen of the lung with treatment of dispelling wind and diffusing the lung to suppress cough, phlegm and retained fluid of the spleen with treatment of tonifying the spleen and eliminating dampness to solve phlegm, deficiency of the kidney with treatment of tonifying the kidney and benefiting the lung to suppress cough, Qi stagnation and fire-transmission of the liver with treatment of soothing the liver and regulating Qi, clearing heat and purging fire, fire and blood stasis of the heart with treatment of clearing away the heart fire and calming the nerve and dredging the collateral channels. In terms of prescription selection, several formulas are commonly used by Professor LI to suppress cough, such as Zhisou Powder, Liujunzi Decoction, Bufei Decoction, Qiwei Duqi Pill, Sini Powder and Chaihu Jia Longgu Muli Decoction, Daochi Powder, etc. The case was diagnosed as cough with wind cold syndrome by Professor LI, and was treated with Zhisou Powder and Guizhi Jia Houpo Xingzi Decoction appropriately to dispel the wind and diffuse the lung, disperse cold pathogen and suppress cough. [Conclusion] Based on the pathogenesis, Professor LI treats CVA through five visceral syndrome differentiations, the clinical effect is remarkable, and the experience can be used for clinical reference.
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