李佳嘉.《续名医类案》论噎膈[J].浙江中医药大学学报,2022,46(7):770-772, 779.
Dysphagia Discussed in Xu Mingyi Lei‘an
中文关键词: 续名医类案  噎膈  病因病机  辨证论治  预后  独特疗法
英文关键词: Xu Mingyi Lei‘an  dysphagia  etiology and pathogenesis  treatment based on syndrome differentiation  prognosis  unique therapy
李佳嘉 浙江中医药大学第一临床医学院 杭州 310053 
摘要点击次数: 1660
全文下载次数: 988
      [目的] 推动《续名医类案》噎膈医案的研究,促进有关理论与经验古为今用,并提高临床疗效。[方法] 通过全面整理《续名医类案》噎膈医案,从病因、病机、诊断、治疗、预后以及典型病案等方面开展文献研究,总结其理论观点与诊疗特色。[结果] 《续名医类案》认为噎膈是包括消化系统恶性肿瘤在内的疾病,好发于老年人,预后差。病因以七情内伤、饮食不节为主。病位在脾胃,但又与肝、肾等脏腑功能异常有着密切的联系。其共性与核心病机在于胃气上逆、胃失受纳。临床表现上,以不能纳食、吞咽障碍为特征。诊断上,尤重脉象。治疗上,总以辨证论治为基本原则,强调精神调摄,擅于应用独特疗法。[结论] 《续名医类案》对于噎膈病证的论述颇具特色,对后世具有重要的指导和启迪意义,值得学习借鉴。
      [Objective] To promote the study of dysphagia medical cases in Xu Mingyi Lei‘an, push forward the use of relevant theories and experiences and improve clinical efficacy. [Methods] Through a comprehensive review of dysphagia medical cases in Xu Mingyi Lei‘an, literature research was carried out from six aspects, including etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and typical cases, to summarize its theoretical views and diagnosis and treatment characteristics. [Results] Xu Mingyi Lei‘an deems that dysphagia is a digestive system disease, which includes malignant tumor, usually occuring in the elderly with poor prognosis. The main causes of the disease are internal injuries of the seven emotions and poor diet. Although the disease is located in the spleen and stomach, but it is closely related to the abnormal function of the liver and kidneys. The commonality and core pathogenesis lies in the upward rebellion of stomach Qi and loss of stomach intake. The clinical manifestation is characterized by inability to nibble and swallowing disorders. Special emphasis is placed on the pulse diagnosis. In terms of treatment, the basic principle is the treatment based on syndrome differentiation, emphasis lays on the regulating mood and unique therapies are applied. [Conclusion] The discussion of dysphagia medical cases in Xu Mingyi Lei‘an is quite distinctive and is worth studying as it is an important guide and inspiration for future generations.
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