汪静娜,吴夏秋,王斌艳,等.中医药健康服务与管理领域的知识图谱可视化分析[J].浙江中医药大学学报,2022,46(7):780-786, 804.
Visual Analysis of Knowledge Mapping in the Field of TCM Health Service and Management
中文关键词: 中医药  中医药健康服务  中医健康管理  CiteSpace  中国知网  知识图谱  可视化分析
英文关键词: TCM  TCM health service  TCM health management  CiteSpace  CNKI  knowledge mapping  visual analysis
汪静娜 浙江中医药大学 杭州 310053 
吴夏秋 浙江中医药大学 杭州 310053 
王斌艳 浙江中医药大学 杭州 310053 
李海滨 浙江中医药大学 杭州 310053 
荣超 浙江中医药大学 杭州 310053 
郭清 浙江中医药大学 杭州 310053 
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      [目的] 基于知识图谱对中医药健康服务与管理研究现状进行可视化分析。[方法] 采用CiteSpace 5.7.R2软件,对2006年1月至2021年12月中国知网(China National Knowledge Infrastructure,CNKI)的931篇中文期刊进行知识图谱可视化分析,从年发文量、作者与研究机构、研究主题、研究热点等方面梳理研究发展脉络,呈现国内中医药健康服务与管理领域的研究现状、演化路径和发展趋势,为后续研究者提供理论借鉴。 [结果] 从年发文量来看,年发文量呈逐年增长趋势并趋于稳定,但作者和研究机构尚未形成紧密的学术合作;从研究主题来看,形成中医体质与状态辨识、“治未病”与亚健康、社区、慢病管理四大研究主题;从研究热点与演化路径来看,
      [Objective] To visually analyze the current status of the researches on traditonal Chinese medicine(TCM) health service and management based on knowledge mapping. [Methods] It applied the CiteSpace 5.7.R2 software to 931 articles from Chinese journals extracted in the China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI) database for the period between January 2006 and December 2021, drew the knowledge mapping in terms of annual article volume, authors and affiliation, research topics, research hotspots and evolution trends, etc., and identified the main veins in this research field, revealed the research status and development trend of the domestic researches on TCM health service and management and provided theoretical reference for follow-up researchers. [Results] According to the knowledge mapping, the annual article volume, and authors and affiliation remain steady and sustain a year-on-year growth; however, the status of authors and affiliation suggesting no close academic cooperation tie has been established; regarding research topics, the TCM constitution and state differentiation, “preventive treatment of disease” and sub-health conditions, community, and chronic disease management are the four most touched upon; and in terms of research hotspots and evolutionary trends, the Keywords such as TCM constitution, community health management and TCM state differentiation have played fundamental roles in the dynamic evolution of the research topics in the field of TCM health service and management. [Conclusion] Although a hotspot in the research field of health service and management, the domestic researches on TCM health service and management have not yet formed a sustained and stable research theme and with the emergence of such Keywords in recent years as “integrated health care and social service for seniors”“Internet+” and “big data”, etc., TCM health care service for the elder and information-based intellectualization will surely gain popularity in the future.
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