Professor YE Lihong‘s Experience in Treating Colorectal Cancer
中文关键词: 结直肠癌  中医  辨证论治  经验  医案  叶丽红
英文关键词: colorectal cancer  traditional Chinese medicine  syndrome differentiation and treatment  experience  medical cases  YE Lihong
尹思源 南京中医药大学 南京 210023 
叶丽红 南京中医药大学 南京 210023
摘要点击次数: 1283
全文下载次数: 810
      [目的] 总结叶丽红教授治疗结直肠癌的临床经验。[方法] 通过临床跟诊,收集验案,分析叶师对结直肠癌病因病机演变的认知以及辨治用药经验,并辅以病案佐证。 [结果] 叶师认为,结直肠癌以脾肝肾亏虚为本,湿热、气滞、血瘀、痰浊、癌毒相互搏结,以扶正祛邪为治则,采用补益脾肝肾、理气活血、清热利湿、化痰散结的方法辨证施治,尤其重视通腑泄浊及运用虫类药。所示病案以脾气亏虚为主,夹有湿热、痰浊之邪,治以健脾益气、清热利湿为主,佐以化痰攻毒散结,疗效显著。 [结论] 叶师认为,结直肠癌本虚标实,以脾肝肾亏虚为本,湿热、气滞、血瘀、痰浊为标,治疗时强调标本兼顾,灵活处方,临床疗效显著,其经验可有效指导结直肠癌的中医临床治疗。
      [Objective] To summarize Professor YE Lihong‘s clinical experience in treating colorectal cancer. [Methods] Through following Professor YE’s clinical work and collecting clinical cases, Professor YE’s academic points about the etiology and pathological process was analyzed and the experience of syndrome differentiation and treatment was concluded. One medical case was listed as evidence. [Results] Professor YE holds that the root causes of colorectal cancer are the deficiency of the spleen, liver and kidney, while the excess manifestations are heat and dampness, Qi stagnation, blood stasis, turbid phlegm and cancer toxin. It is advocated to take strengthening the body resistance and eliminating pathogenic factors as the therapeutic principle, and adopt methods such as supplementing the spleen, liver and kidney, regulating Qi and promoting blood circulation, clearing away heat and dampness, reducing phlegm and resolving masses, and dredging viscera and using insect drugs are given special attention. The basic pathogenesis of the patient was deficiency of the spleen Qi, mixed with heat, dampness and phlegm. The patient achieved good results after tonifying the spleen, clearing away heat and dampness, combined with eliminating phlegm, attacking toxin and dispersing the tumor. [Conclusion] Professor YE holds that colorectal cancer is a complexity of asthenia in origin and excess of superficiality. The root cause is the deficiency of the spleen, liver and kidney, with heat, dampness, Qi stagnation, blood stasis and phlegm as the pathological factors. The treatment emphasizes both the root causes and the manifestations, which has remarkable clinical effect, and professor YE’s experience can effectively guide traditional Chinese medical treatment of colorectal cancer.
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