Discussion on Qianjin Xiaoxuming Decoction in Treatment of Hemifacial Spasm
中文关键词: 千金小续命汤  面肌痉挛  病因病机  中医  医案  周天梅
英文关键词: Qianjin Xiaoxuming Decoction  hemifacial spasm  etiology and pathogenesis  traditional Chinese medicine  medical cases  ZHOU Tianmei
陈坤飞 浙江中医药大学附属杭州市中医院 杭州 310007 
周天梅 浙江省立同德医院 
摘要点击次数: 978
全文下载次数: 548
      [目的] 总结周天梅教授临床应用千金小续命汤治疗面肌痉挛的诊疗思路。 [方法] 通过搜集整理文献、跟师临证、整理验案,结合现代医家研究,从病因病机、用药特点等方面,分析总结周师应用千金小续命汤治疗面肌痉挛的诊疗思路,并列举验案加以佐证。 [结果] 周师认为,面肌痉挛的根本病机为正虚邪中,治以扶正祛邪,运用千金小续命汤,临床疗效颇佳。所举验案以风邪袭表、虚实夹杂、寒热错杂为主要病机,治以扶正补虚、祛风解表、燮理寒热之法,以千金小续命汤从表论治,原方原量,未加减药味和药量,疗效确切。[结论] 周师治疗面肌痉挛,紧扣正虚邪中之病机,运用千金小续命汤,遵循古籍,原方原量,疗效显著,其经验值得借鉴与推广。
      [Objective] To summarize the diagnosis and treatment of Professor ZHOU Tianmei in treating hemifacial spasm with Qianjin Xiaoxuming Decoction. [Methods] By collecting and collating literature, following up with clinical works, collating clinical cases, combining with modern medical research, this paper summarized Professor ZHOU‘s thoughts of using Qianjin Xiaoxuming Decoction to treat hemifacial spasm from the aspects of etiology and pathogenesis, medication characters, and medical cases were attached as evidence.[Results] Professor ZHOU believes that the fundamental pathogenesis of hemifacial spasm is insufficiency of the healthy Qi and invasion of pathogenic factors, and the therapeutic principle is strengthening the body resistance to eliminate pathogenic factors, and it has obvious clinical effect to treat the hemifacial spasm with Qianjin Xiaoxuming Decoction. The main pathogenesis of the case was wind evil attack, mixed deficiency and excess, mixed cold and heat. The methods of strengthening healthy Qi and tonifying deficiency, dispelling wind and relieving exterior, regulating cold and heat were used to treat the disease, and the Qianjin Xiaoxuming Decoction was adopted, with the original prescription and dosage, and achieved accurate good curative effect. [Conclusion] Professor ZHOU treats hemifacial spasm, closely linked to the pathogenesis of insufficiency of the healthy Qi and invasion of pathogenic factors, uses Qianjin Xiaoxuming Decoction with the original prescription and dosage following the ancient books, and the therapeutic effect is remarkable, her experience is worthy of reference and promotion.
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