Based on Data Mining to Explore the Clinical Medication Rules of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Hypertensive Renal Injury
中文关键词: 高血压肾损害  用药规律  本虚标实  数据挖掘  关联规则  聚类分析  可视化网络  中医药
英文关键词: hypertensive renal injury  medication rule  deficient root and excessive superficial  data mining  association rule  cluster analysis  visual network  traditional Chinese medicine
席梦丹 浙江中医药大学第一临床医学院 杭州 310053 
高祥福 浙江中医药大学附属第一医院 
摘要点击次数: 1094
全文下载次数: 607
      [目的] 基于数据挖掘探讨中药治疗高血压肾损害的用药规律。 [方法] 收集中国知网(China National Knowledge Infrastructure,CNKI)建库至2022年3月运用中药治疗高血压肾损害的文献,按照纳入排除标准筛选处方,构建方药数据库,利用数据挖掘技术对药物频次、类别、性味归经、聚类及关联规则进行分析。 [结果] 最终纳入文献85篇,方剂90首,中药144味,累及用药频次966次。使用频次前5位的中药依次是牛膝、黄芪、丹参、茯苓、杜仲。累计用药16类,排名前5的类别是补虚药、活血化瘀药、清热药、平肝息风药、利水渗湿药。中药性味及归经分析显示,常用药物以甘、平为主,归经主要为肝经、肾经、脾经。系统聚类可分为6类,涉及六味地黄丸、天麻钩藤饮等。关联规则分析共提取药对关联规则9条,药组关联规则10条,核心配伍的功效为补益肝肾、平肝潜阳。 [结论] 现代医家认为,高血压肾损害病性为本虚标实,治疗该病当以补虚为核心,随证治以清热利湿、活血化瘀、利水渗湿之法。
      [Objective] To investigate the clinical medication regulations of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) in the treatment of hypertensive renal injury based on data mining technology. [Methods] From the founding of China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI) until March 2022, literature on the use of TCM in the treatment of hypertensive renal injury was gathered. On the basis of data mining technology, the statistical findings of herb frequency, category, nature, taste, meridian tropism, systematic cluster and association rule were evaluated. [Results] A total of 85 literatures were chosen, with 90 prescriptions and 144 TCM herbs appearing 966 times in total. Achyranthis bidentatae radix, Astragalus membranaceus, Salviae miltiorrhizae Radix et Rhizome, Poria cocos and Eucommia ulmoides oliver were the top five herbs with the highest frequency. Deficiency tonifying herbs, blood circulation activating and blood stasis resolving herbs, heat clearing herbs, the liver calming and wind extinguish herbs, dampness clearing herbs, and other TCM herbs were employed. The nature, taste and meridian tropism of TCM herbs revealed that the majority of regularly used herbs were sweet and gentle in nature, with meridian tropism of the liver meridian, kidney meridian and spleen meridian. Six groupings of herb combinations were discovered by systematic cluster analysis, including prescriptions like Liuwei Dihuang Pills and Tianma Gouteng Decoction. There was a total of 9 herb pairs and 10 herb groups association rules extracted. Tonifying the liver and kidney, calming the liver and tranquilizing Yang are the basic compatibilities. [Conclusion] The nature of hypertensive renal injury, according to modern physicians, is deficient root and excessive superficial. The main aim of TCM treatment for hypertensive renal injury is to tonify deficiency, which is combined with clearing heat, activating blood, resolving stasis and clearing dampness.
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