董秀兰,李宜瑞,许华,等.经方在小儿肾病综合征的应用探析[J].浙江中医药大学学报,2023,47(2):171-175. |
经方在小儿肾病综合征的应用探析 |
Study on Classical Prescription in Treating Pediatric Nephrotic Syndrome |
DOI:10.16466/j.issn1005-5509.2023.02.011 |
中文关键词: 肾病综合征 经方 小儿 临床应用 中医学术经验 辨证论治 |
英文关键词: nephrotic syndrome classical prescription children clinical application academic experience in Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation and treatment |
基金项目:2017年全国名老中医药专家传承工作室建设项目(国中医药人教函〔2018〕134号);广东省2017年名老中医药专家传承工作室建设项目(粤中医办函〔2017〕209号) |
摘要点击次数: 1907 |
全文下载次数: 1072 |
中文摘要: |
[目的] 浅述经方治疗小儿肾病综合征的学术经验与临床应用。[方法] 通过研究中医经典文献,结合相关临床经验,总结经方治疗小儿肾病综合征的学术经验及临床应用,并附运用经方治疗的案例加以佐证。[结果] 小儿肾病综合征的病因病机以肺、脾、肾三藏亏虚为主,可能兼夹风、热、湿、毒之邪;对此,治疗常以“开鬼门”“洁净府”“温阳”为原则。对于难治性小儿肾病综合征,风邪交杂他邪为犯,造成“邪毒内伏”是其主要病机,治疗上温阳活血、清热解毒并重,兼以顾及“从风论治”。所附医案首诊以经方“麻杏石甘汤”加减,后续诊疗从水湿入手,以经方“五苓散”等加减调治,后经随访未复发。[结论] 辨证运用经方治疗小儿肾病综合征,常常收获满意疗效,值得进一步探索与推广。 |
英文摘要: |
[Objective] To describe the clinical application and academic experience of classical prescription in the treatment of pediatric nephrotic syndrome(PNS). [Methods] Through the study of classical Chinese medicine literature combined with relevant clinical experience, this paper summarizes the academic experience and clinical application in the treatment of PNS by classical prescription, with cases to support its efficacy. [Results] The etiology and pathogenesis of PNS are based on the deficiency of the lung, spleen and kidney, and may be accompanied by the evil of wind, heat, dampness and toxicity, so the treatment is often based on the principle of opening Guimen(sweat pores), cleaning the Jingfu(the bladder) and warming Yang. For refractory PNS, it is proposed that the main pathogenic mechanism is the intermingling of wind and other evils, resulting in the“internal ambush of evil toxins”. In terms of treatment, warming Yang and activating blood circulation, clearing heat and detoxifying are important, and the importance of treatment from wind should be carefully examined. The medical cases attached were treated with modified Maxing Shigan Decoction at the primary care, and modified Wuling Powder considering from water-dampness at the subsequent care, and achieved good results. [Conclusion] The treatment of PNS with syndrome differentiation by classical prescription, often reaps satisfactory results and is worthy of further exploration and promotion. |
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