Study on Zhouxian Cushu, A Monograph on Measles in Pediatrics of Traditional Chinese Medicine
中文关键词: 舟仙瘄述  瘄证  麻疹  刘舟仙  舟山医学史  中医儿科  浙派中医
英文关键词: Zhouxian Cushu  syndrome of Cu  measles  LIU Zhouxian  history of Zhoushan,s medicine  traditional Chinese medicine pediatrics  Zhejiang school of traditional Chinese medicine
赵金伟 普陀山社区卫生服务中心 浙江舟山 316107 
陈琳 舟山市中医院 
李飞泽 舟山市中医院 
摘要点击次数: 1804
全文下载次数: 890
      [目的] 研究中医儿科麻疹专著《舟仙瘄述》的作者、刊印情况,探讨该著作的学术特点和学术价值。[方法] 查找各版本《舟仙瘄述》,查阅当地史志,走访舟山市岱山县东沙镇、高亭镇,调查分析所获资料,对《舟仙瘄述》的作者和刊印情况进行研究,对该书的内容进行分析、归纳和讨论。[结果] 《舟仙瘄述》首次出版于民国时期,其作者是民国医家刘舟仙,关于刘舟仙的详细事迹,史料记载不多。《舟仙瘄述》分上、中、下三卷,分别是瘄证总论、瘄证治例、瘄证各方。该书具有结构独特,立意新颖;以症立论,兼抒己见;论治求法,不拘于方;地域性强,简便实用;注重调摄,观念超前等学术特点。[结论] 《舟仙瘄述》是浙江舟山医学史上第一部中医儿科麻疹专著,该书的问世对中医儿科麻疹的理论研究具有积极意义,对中医儿科麻疹诊疗的临床实践具有促进作用。对该书的研究,有助于探索浙派中医丰富多彩的历史文化。
      [Objective] To study the author, publications and printing of Zhouxian Cushu, a monograph on measles in pediatrics of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM), and explore its academic characteristics and academic value. [Methods] By finding various versions of Zhouxian Cushu, consulting local historical records, visiting Dongsha Town and Gaoting Town of Daishan County in Zhoushan City, investigating and analyzing the data obtained, the author and publications of Zhouxian Cushu are studied, and the content of the book is analyzed, summarized and discussed. [Results] Zhouxian Cushu was first published in the era of the Republic of China, there were few historical records about LIU Zhouxian,s detailed deeds. The whole work was divided into three volumes: general theory, treatment cases and every TCM prescriptions. Zhouxian Cushu had unique structure and novel conception; the author discussed basing on symptoms and expressed his own views; when treating diseases, the author paid more attention to methods rather than specific prescriptions; the book had strong geographical, simple and practical features; the author paid attention to recuperation and had an advanced concept. [Conclusion] Zhouxian Cushu is the first TCM pediatric measles monograph in the medical history of Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province. The publication of this book is of positive significance to the theoretical research of TCM pediatric measles and to the clinical practice of TCM pediatric measles diagnosis and treatment. The study of this book is helpful to explore the rich and colorful history and culture of Zhejiang school of TCM.
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